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Wednesday, November 29th 2017
peytwatson025 wrote a journal entry about bell Moore Group Inc. Review: The Essence and Purpose Every Business on November 29th 2017

Bell Moore Group Inc. has been in the property market for more than 25 years with the goal of creating value in all facets of life, mainly in providing third-party management, leasing, brokerage and consulting services in the real estate sector.   


To create and deliver value is the essence and purpose of any institution. Value is generated through work and clients trust companies who can deliver an effective and efficient service to them. Adding value in its original state or condition requires skills and in-depth knowledge which Bell Moore has practiced and developed for many years in the industry to be able to help its clients reach their goals and business objectives. We represent national tenants such as Sentinel Pension in New York, MAB American Property REIT in Australia, Paul Mitchell Trust in Hawaii and Summit REIT in Canada. With the guidance of Rianne Bell and Lynn Moore, the firm has successfully delivered excellent professional service and supplying business solutions to Ambassador Mark Erwin in Charlotte and other institutional clients.


In order to add value like no other companies can, Bellmoore Group Inc review and assessed client’s specific requirements and help them what they aspire to achieve within the business. This involves taking a hands-on approach and striving to do the best job possible for their clients and offering the most appropriate property solutions. Being client-centered is more of a skill set harnessed by Bell Moore team and which is evident on their professional ability to provide viable and worthwhile solutions to attain the client’s objective.



Clients trust Bell Moore to carry out whatever is needed to maximize benefits from potential income that can be obtained from the concerned properties. The team undertakes property value evaluation and analysis to determine as many alternatives as possible in reaching the client’s objective. Only then can values be accurately gauged and the relevant solutions can be developed to assure income growth before implementation.  Bell Moore Group Inc. is not only concerned with the technical and financial requirements of property operations but more so in creating value for their clients.

Wednesday, November 8th 2017
peytwatson025 wrote a journal entry about devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants Review: Dygtiggorelsen din virksomheds kultur med kunstvaerker on November 8th 2017

Det er vigtigt at have en god virksomhed kultur uanset hvad er storrelsen af din organisation, det vaere sig en stor virksomhed eller en lille virksomhed. Det bor vaere normerne for virksomheder at fremme en positiv atmosfaere at undga hoj omsaetning og give anledning til tilfredshed for bade medarbejdere og kunder. Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants tyder pa en enkel made at bidrage til gavn for virksomhedens kultur, og der ved hjaelp af skonhed af kunstvaerker til din virksomhed.


Husk, at dit kontor inviterer positiv energi ikke at tiltraekke den negative ene. Ved hjaelp af kunstvaerker kunne hjaelpe lette stemningen af folk inde jeres kontor. Kort sagt op dejlige fotografier, pop af farve eller inspirerende kunst til at lokke lykke. Specifikke undersogelser viser ogsa, at have kunst pa arbejdspladsen kan hjaelpe medarbejderne samle gode og positive folelser og reducere stress, i takt med stigende kreativitet.


De folgende tips er udarbejdet af Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants til at hjaelpe dig med at forbedre din virksomheds kultur med kunstvaerker:


Bestemme folelsen


Taenk pa stemningen onskede dine medarbejdere eller besogende til at fole sig om illustrationen, nar de indtaster en bestemt plads i din erhvervs-byggeri. Det er ofte rades til at fa ekspertisen af en art consulting service kan bedre hjaelpe dig vaelge, hvilken slags kunst vil passer perfekt til dine behov.


Repraesentere dit brand


Sorg for at din valgte kunst kunne repraesenterer dit brand i nogle mader. For eksempel bor illustrationen ogsa klassiske og traditionelle, hvis din virksomhed er i sadanne sti. Hver person, der gar ind i din kontorbygning bor let forsta begrebet din virksomhed gennem din udvalgte kunstvaerker. Du kunne erhverve service af en professionel kunstnerisk konsulent ligner Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants til at give dig en ekspert radgivning om valg af kunstvaerker, der let kunne give din virksomhed centrale budskab og branding til folket. Med dette, kan du vaere sikker med konsekvensen af din organisation og dine klienter og endda de habefulde medarbejdere vil have en klar idé til personlighed af din virksomhed.


Acceptere udtalelser


Som en virksomhedsejer, sikre for at bemaerke udtalelser fra dine medarbejdere. Har en kunstnerisk konsulent udover du er god og gavnlig, men synspunkter hos dine medarbejdere bor ogsa vurderes til at forbedre din hele virksomhedens kultur med din udsmykning valg. Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants opfordrer virksomhedsejere til at gennemfore en undersogelse blandt medarbejderne pa deres vaeg kunst valg. Hvis fleste foretraekker natur scener eller fotografier, bor du overveje kunstvaerker med dette tema. Medarbejdere vil blive mere inspireret til at arbejde i et sted med deres foretrukne design. Altid tage hensyn til deres forslag og gore dit bedste for at gennemfore dem.



Bor du kraeve yderligere bistand i denne henseende, sa tov ikke med at kontakte Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants, da de er mere end villig til at vaere til hjaelp.

Thursday, July 20th 2017
peytwatson025 wrote a journal entry about cathay Dupont Award on the great help 4-H provides to the world on July 20th 2017

4-H aims to mold the youth to become the future leaders of the world and to act as one because it targets to provide tomorrow with true leaders. For many decades, its purpose focuses on “engaging youth to reach their fullest potential while advancing the field of youth development.”


The adults initiate fulfilling, enjoyable, and educational opportunities for the youth to help them develop themselves for the better and gain more knowledge to face the world’s challenges tomorrow.


4-H stands for head, heart, hands, and health, which are the four personal development areas of the organization. In particular, “head to clearer thinking”, “heart to greater loyalty”, “hands for larger service”, and “health to better living”.


Our population will surely keep on growing, and in 2050, the number will go up to 9 or 10 billion. By that time, we need twice as much food, Cathay Dupont Award noted. The challenge is having enough resources to support everyone’s need for food.


One country could give a great solution to this challenge in food, and it is the country of Africa and its people. The country has 60% of the uncultivated land in the world, however, its young people don’t see a thriving future with agriculture.


But with 4-H and its encouraging principles, the youth began changing their view on agriculture and slowly seeing its huge importance to the world. With 4-H, young people gain more knowledge about the whole food business and understand its value in giving a lot of opportunities for many people. The adults are also training them on how to do proper farming using the right tools and planting the correct seeds.


Many young people in Africa now understand that agriculture could help them earn more money and build wealth. The good influence of 4-H in their local community has also been witnessed by the parents and they’re changing their view on agriculture as well.


Prospering in the field of agribusiness is possible if people will embrace its every aspect. Cathay Dupont Award believe that the young people of Africa will one day transform their country and their older generations and will be one of the leaders of tomorrow, solving the food problem of their country and the world’s.


To extend their support to a few African countries, DuPont recently invested 2 million dollars in helping build leadership institutes in those countries. The company, along with Cathay Dupont Award really believes in the vision of 4-H because it also wanted the youth to be in charge of taking care of the world tomorrow.



Wednesday, June 7th 2017
peytwatson025 wrote a journal entry about tokyo MK Taxi - Kenmerken van een goede Chauffeur Service on June 7th 2017

Er zijn zoveel auto chauffeurs tegenwoordig onderhoud en niet allemaal gelijk zijn gemaakt. Als u van plan bent om te boeken een limo voor elke gelegenheid, het selecteren van een voertuig is niet de enige die u zou moeten overwegen. Als een client, moet u hoop voor een uitstekende service en meepraten in de juiste chauffeur ook. Van pick-up aan veilig aankomen op uw eindbestemming wordt, lijst Tokyo MK Taxi paar dingen die een goede chauffeur te onderscheiden van de rest van de menigte.


Uitstekende klantenservice


Met een zeer professionele chauffeur is essentieel om u te voorzien van een goede limo-ervaring. Een geweldige chauffeur heeft effectieve communicatievaardigheden, anticipeert op de behoeften van de passagierszijde en staat hun passagiers te voorzien van uitstekende klantenservice. Ze moeten doordachte, aangename, beleefde en weten wanneer te praten met passagiers en wanneer te laten rijden in vrede. Bijvoorbeeld, een doordachte chauffeur zal open deuren, verzorgen bagage, paraplu's en weefsels ingeval de passagiers ze nodig hebben en details over bezienswaardigheden biedt als er iets wat je weten wilt over.


Een positieve houding en de mogelijkheid om blijf kalm


Het hebben van een positieve houding is alles. Een goede chauffeur heeft een positieve kijk op leven en op zijn werk. Hij mag trots zijn op zijn cliënt dienen en bereid zijn te gaan de extra mijl om zijn passagier gelukkig en tevreden. Zelfs in tijden van stress, zal een uitstekende chauffeur weten hoe omgaan met de situatie rustig en beter maken.


Vormgeving en persoonlijke verzorging


Chauffeur service meestal ingehuurd voor formele of speciale gelegenheden, om deze reden, moeten zij worden professioneel gekleed of in een klassieke donker pak, wit overhemd en een stropdas. Bij chauffeurs zich presenteren maakt professioneel gekleed en goed verzorgd, alle verschil en blijvende indruk aan klanten, die eisen van de beste kwaliteit van de dienstverlening.


Mechanische vaardigheden op voet van gelijkheid


Het is noodzakelijk dat uw chauffeurs ook goed-geïnformeerde in mechanische problemen. Op die manier kunnen de kleine kwesties met betrekking tot de auto snel worden vastgesteld zonder afbreuk te doen aan uw afspraken of schema. Hoewel je niet verwachten een chauffeur uit te voeren complexe mechanische werk en een aantal problemen oplossen dat zou, is het stuurprogramma moeten ten minste elementaire kennis over de vaststelling van auto's en wanneer de back-up nodig is.



Een van de dingen om ervoor te zorgen dat u een onvergetelijke ervaring is om ervoor te zorgen dat u de juiste luxeauto samen met een gekwalificeerde chauffeur met bovengenoemde eigenschappen rijden. Tokyo MK Taxi functies Lexus groep enthousiastelingen met auto opgenomen in hun wagenpark zijn Lexus LS600hL en Lexus LS460 die perfect geschikt is voor zakelijke functies en de pendeldienst van de luchthaven-stad. Tokyo MK Taxi, zal met hun lange staande in de chauffeur service-industrie, ervoor zorgen dat uw vervoer plannen zo stressvrij, glad en betrouwbaar mogelijk zijn.

Monday, December 12th 2016
peytwatson025 wrote a journal entry about tokyo MK Taxi Group Transfer Services - Shiga MK What's New on December 12th 2016

Booking Information


Direct chartered at affordable prices! Airport transfer fixed taxi

Shiga - Itami · Kanagawa · Centrair Please leave pickups! Easy by smart delivery!


Taxi order


Approximately 21% more than others! Even in the daytime and early morning, the cheapest thing in Shiga is MK taxi.

Please also try relaxed Estima HV.


077- 526 -4141 (Yoiyoi)

We apologize for any inconvenience as we make a mistake.



Charges for charter sightseeing


Why not check out historic Komei Road? Recommended for entertaining and private.

* Reserved reservation is required for private use.



We apologize for any inconvenience as we make a mistake.


A convenient way of riding a MK taxi


MK smart car delivery


Easy order from Sumaho App! Because you do not need to talk, you can order from the conference or from the train.


Automatic reception! Yobaru-kun


Your home / shops etc. "From now to the usual place 1 unit"! Because it is an automatic response, it also connects when call center is crowded.


MK only


It is convenient without looking for MK taxi!

From Mt. Ishiyama Station and Kusatsu Station, please use MK only.



Saturday, December 10th 2016
peytwatson025 wrote a journal entry about tyre&Auto Southbourne Group Review - Make the Regular Maintenance of your Car a Priority on December 10th 2016

Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group believes that if you make yourself familiar with the maintenance and repair of your car, you can keep its good condition. Ensuring your safety as well as your family while driving a car should also be your priority. And in order to make this right, you need to maintain the safety standards of your car and always keep it in perfect running condition.


The first rule in driving a car is oftentimes learning how to brake properly because each driver should be responsible for their own safety as well as the people around them. Knowing how to properly brake a car usually comes first before learning how to move a car forward or backward.


When it comes to meeting their automobile needs, many residents of South Coast of Hampshire only goes to one place, and it is the Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group – a family-operated company that has an excellent background in trading car parts and accessories. Their services have been proven reliable throughout the years wherein they offer good car servicing, tyres, brake checks, MOT's, and free seasonal tune-ups and check-ups to their customers.


In order to make tyre fitting faster, Tyre&Auto has online transactions that could deliver fast tyre quotation. You can also be certain of their quality car maintenance and repair wherein they can provide a local collect and delivery of your car.


Does your car need an MOT test? Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group can fulfill this need of yours, and included in this examination were checking the safety of your car and the amount of exhaust emission. And to be able to guide you in your yearly MOT certificate requirements, Tyre&Auto provides regular reminders which include the due of your test. This way, you can be certain that you will renew your road tax and your car insurance on time.


Nowadays, most of us need a car to reach our desired destinations every day. And having your own car gives you few advantages such as ease, mobility, and personal comfort; therefore, you should treat your car properly and see to it that you have it checked often.



A person or a family could gain comfort and financial returns from owning a car, however, its benefits don't stop there since a car can also provide emotional or psychological benefits. Tyre&Auto supports this belief on cars because it’s obvious that this tool of transportation serves a crucial role in today’s society. Busy streets and cars were already a part of life. With this belief, Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group continues to give dependable service to their customers and make sure to meet their automobile needs.

Thursday, September 15th 2016
peytwatson025 wrote a journal entry about how to prevent fraud using velocity check? on September 15th 2016

FraudLabs Pro enables you to perform the velocity check for quantity, amount and number of transactions that occurred within 24 hours. This feature is important because it safeguards you from potential losses if the numbers surge abnormally based on your track records. When this happens, you might want to review all orders before accepting the payment.


1. Login to the FraudLabs Pro Merchant Control Panel.

2. Click on the Rules menu.

3. Click on the Add Rule button.

4. In the Rule dropdown box, select Total Amount Transacted In This Profile Within The Last 24 Hours. (In this example, we will be performing the amount velocity check).

5. Enter the threshold amount in the Condition Param text box.

6. Select the Manual action.

7. Click on the Save button.


8. In this case, the system will automatically put the oncoming orders on review status if the total amount transacted exceeded the threshold.

Wednesday, September 14th 2016
peytwatson025 wrote a journal entry about hawkfield Gallery - Portfolio of Works Fine Art and Sculpture on September 14th 2016

Roy Thompson Signed Original Canada Geese- Roy Thompson, Hingham Massachusetts, Florida 1928- present. "Four Canada Geese" Original signed. Mixed media- appears to be watercolor and pen and ink. New matt and black wood frame. 10.75 x 7.5, with new mat and black wood frame 15 x 18, $425.00


Sergeant- Karie O'Donell, Brant Rock Ma. "Sergeant" , Gosling Oil on Masonite, 19" x 36", fine wood frame.


W. Lester Stevens, N.A (Oil on Canvas) - American 1888-1969. "APPLE BLOSSOM TIME" Signed lower right. On reverse Rockport Art Association exhibit label. Partially gilt molded wood frame. Half page color illustration page 9, Rockport Art Association Retrospective W. Lester Stevens N.A. This book included with sale.. Condition is very good. 20.5 " x 30".


W. Lester Stevens (Oil on Masonite)-American 1888-1969, "BUILDING STORM" Western Massachusetts scene. Signed Lower Left. Carved and gilt contemporary frame. Frame Signed "Goodnow". Condition Very Good. 16" x 20" Additional pictures of painting and actual frame provided upon request.


W. Lester Stevens (Watercolor on Paper) - American, 1888- 1969. Fisherman's Cove. Signed Lower Left Lightly in Pencil. Attributed to Stevens. New rustic wood frame. Some toning. Cropped for framing. 19" x 27"


William Bradford, Attributed (Watercolor on Paper) - American, 1823 - 1892, New Bedford, MA. " Labrador-Scene” of a shipwreck. Inscribed W Bradford and titled on verso. Exceptional detail for a watercolor. Condition very good front, areas of discoloration in sections of back. . Framed in gold tone frame - new mat and glass to be added. Contact gallery for price and more pictures. Height 10", Length 21.5" Provenance; Barridoff Galleries, Portland ME to Private Massachusetts Collector.


William Louis Sontag, Sr.(Watercolor) - American, 1822-1900. Rocky Mountain Scene. Excellent condition. New gold tone frame and mat. Provenance: Barridoff Galleries Auction 10/22/78 lot # 189 to Private New England Collection 9.5" x 14.5"

We specialize in 20th and 21st century American fine art and folk art, having a particular interest in American impressionism, wildlife bronzes, decorative songbirds, and shore bird decoys. Gallery owner Sally Caverly has over 25 years of experience collecting art. This field experience combines with her B.A degree in marketing, a master's degree in education and work experience as Market Research Division Director of a major publishing house.

At Hawkfield Gallery we believe that buying and selling art should be a straightforward, approachable, and rewarding experience. We assist our clients in all phases of the buying and selling process. Hawkfield Gallery is attuned to the different stages of collecting, as reflected in the price ranges offered in our gallery.



Tuesday, August 9th 2016
peytwatson025 wrote a journal entry about best Things to Do in Singapore by Bacall Associates Travel on August 9th 2016

Singapore is without any doubts the most developed, urbanized country in Asia, if not in the world. I have stayed there for 4 days, which appeared to be not enough to fully discover this unique country-city.


I had a lovely Russian couple showing me around. They live there, so they showed me the best spots to visit while in Singapore as well as how to save significant sums of money on sightseeing and restaurants in Singapore. Continue reading to know more.


Here you go, my TOP 9 things to do in Singapore:




Super Tree Grove is just WOW, seriously! I cannot even describe it properly, but I felt like I stepped in a fairy tale, “Yulia in Wonderland” maybe.


The Garden Rhapsody is a show (more like something from outer space) that is held in Gardens by the Bay every evening. The futuristic looking trees/mushrooms are lighted up in different ways together with the music. Every detail is perfectly tuned to create an atmosphere that will give you a fantastic feeling of wonder and stimulate your mind.


I think EVERYBODY should see it; it really went beyond my expectation and imagination. It is my dream to take my parents there now!


I tried to capture the beauty and the atmosphere with my camera – did not work. You will have to come see it by yourself, sorry.


TIP: The show is twice a day, at 7 45 p.m. and 8 45 p.m. and takes around 10 minutes. Make sure to come a bit in advance, so that you take the coolest spot!


By the way, the outdoors shows are all free in Singapore, for example like the next one:




Water show Singapore


We always missed this one for various reasons, but when we finally reached it, it was definitely worth it!


Singing fountains with projections on it, bubbles everywhere and this amazing atmosphere of a holiday everyday – don’t miss it while in Singapore!


The earliest one starts at 8 p.m. at Marina Bay Sands, the best view point is just near the Louis Vuitton boutique.




Cloud forest Singapore


Ever wondered how concrete jungles might look like?


Singaporeans have created a whole new concept out there with planted walls, artificial waterfalls – something’s absolutely surreal! You can learn a lot about rare plants, take some great pictures, enjoy a magnificent view from to the Marina Bay Sands and just walk around this mysterious world built by man.


The entrance prices are here:


Is it worth it to go to the Flower Dome? My friends told me “Not really”, so I skipped it.


TIP1: Make sure to have at least 1, 5 hours of your spare time, and bring a jacket, as it is quite chilly and moist inside the conservation area.


The prices are below. Note, that if you are a student, do not forget to take your student ID with you – the entrance fee will be just 1$ instead of 5 $ for you.


TIP2: Try to visit in the morning when it is not too hot.


Gardens by the bay price


TIP3: If you want to visit the Cloud Forest and Flower Dome with a private transfer, get this tour, it is a very good deal!




Orchid Park Singapore


I love parks and I that includes botanical gardens. I think I went to one almost in each country I visited! The one in Singapore is such a beautiful park. You can wonder it’s alleys and get lost. It feels modern, fresh and ordered. Then, out of nowhere you can just wake up with a huge water monitor lizard in front of you.


The entrance to the Botanic garden is free of charge, but I also do recommend visiting National Orchid Garden. Unless you are some kind of Orchid expert you will discover a zillion new types of orchids which offer a sweet synthesis of visual beauty and matching fragrance.


Various types of orchids are presented, many colors around, great photo opportunities, we took hundreds of beautiful pictures! Go there!


It is inside the Botanic garden, but has a separate entrance.




Singapore zoo entrance


The zoo in Singapore is one of the top attractions. There are 4 options to choose from.


I went to a classic one, but I’ve heard the night safari is also pretty cool! Different shows at each time are held, you will not get bored during the whole day. I recommend visiting the zoo if you are traveling with kids, or if you have more than 3 days to see the city.


TIP: Unless you are with kids, I don’t think there is any point of taking a train inside the Zoo. The queue is always long, and the distances are not that huge.



If you would like to save some money on tickets, try to buy them in advance (at least a week). Plenty of Group on promotions are available and will save you at least 25%, which is quite significant if you go with the whole family. 

Friday, May 6th 2016
peytwatson025 wrote a journal entry about how to integrate social media into sales promotions tips – Bacall Associates on February 6th 2016

Social media can provide a huge amount of information about qualified leads. A well-designed campaign using a combination of promo codes can produce a lot of detailed data, that's why most social media platforms provide analytics to analyze these data for future campaigns. It's really important to properly manage the data when you have collected these leads. A modern CRM (customer relationship management) software allow your team to capture leads as well as to follow up with offers and subsequent campaigns.


Today, it's no doubt that a lot of customers choose social media to search for trusted opinions of different individuals about a certain product or service since it's easier for them to research and buy online. A well-organized social media campaign must be an important part of your business' sales promotions because most people prefer a recommendation from a friendly face than a dry impersonal search result.


A well-organized social media campaign can also be a strong and effective sales tool as it allows your business to get closer to the customer, enhance your understanding towards their interests and develop lasting relationships with them.



Acquiring social media success often involves a long process, especially in small businesses, you should flourish your profiles first and develop a genuine relationship with your business' followers in order to provide value before easing into any type of sales promotions. The following are some simple tips provided by Bacall Associates in utilizing social media into your sales promotions.

Thursday, March 31st 2016
peytwatson025 wrote a journal entry about 2015 Honda CB500F (Demo) - Al Lamb's Dallas Honda on March 31st 2016

Honda’s new CB500F is the new, stylish, more comfortable, sport bike. With its sleek new look, the CB500F allows for riders to find a more comfortable and classic riding position while maintaining performance, because of the lower 30 inch seat, and it’s powerful 471cc motor. It is the perfect sport bike for riders who are looking to advance through a displacement class, as well as for anyone who enjoys stylish mid-weight motorcycles.



The CB500F allows for riders to sit in a more upright position, allowing for a more comfortable riding and commuting, while also increasing passenger comfortability. In addition, the CB500F is lighter than other 500cc motorcycles, allowing for better handling, and for riders to more easily back it up into parking spots, as well as put it on its side stand.

Tuesday, March 22nd 2016
peytwatson025 wrote a journal entry about beach Holiday Tips - Bacall Associates Travel on June 9th 2015

Beach might be among the favorite spot for families to visit during holidays. When you tell your family that you’re going to the beach, your children will definitely become so excited, and they’ll surely begin packing their favorite things. And as a guide for your perfect beach vacation, Bacall Associates put together some things that you need to consider:




Clearly, there are really plenty of beaches to choose from, and each one of those offers exceptional services. Ask your relatives or your close friends for some ideas, or just browse the net and trust the results shown by Google. Do not choose a beach that’s exclusive for couples or singles if you’re intending to have a holiday with your entire family. To get a fresh experience, you can also choose a “virgin” beach or a less crowded and quiet beach. Your loved ones will really take pleasure in the serenity of such places, and you’ll be able to do activities by yourself without bothering other people. Secret beaches are amazing! And Singapore has a few kind of these beaches and they’re really beautiful.




You and your loved ones should have a place to stay in if you’re planning to enjoy the beach for several days. You can choose between resorts within walking distance of the beach or resorts located by the beachfront.  Choose the one that is the most convenient for you and your family, and offers amazing beach accommodations.




Your loved ones will surely love doing different kinds of activities throughout your beach holiday, which means you need to choose a beach that provides an incredible collection of activities. Bacall Associates suggests that you should arrange everything and plan ahead of time. Paying in advance could also be an alternative so that you will not trouble yourself bringing a substantial amount of money to the beach. Before booking, do not forget to inquire if those activities are accessible during your stay.




You need to note that selecting the ideal time can also be significant. You should be aware that public holidays and peak season mean crowded beaches. Fully booked airports and road traffic are some of the hassles you should be worried about. With one of these scenarios in hand, you need to have the ability to make everything right for the holiday. Do not forget that selecting the most convenient time for your family is very significant.


Packing things


Bacall Associates recommend you to pack light and right. Girls usually plan to pack their stuff in advance than boys, but nevertheless, it would be better if packing in advance will be planned by everyone. With this, you’ll not forget to bring important things with you. To properly arrange your things, you should create a list of the things you’re going to bring such as a sunblock, hat, charger, reading materials, etc.



Experts from Bacall Associates love to travel, and they’re hoping that the given tips above can help you with you with your beach holiday. Don’t wait any longer, you should begin planning today.

Monday, March 7th 2016
peytwatson025 wrote a journal entry about dr. Richard Isaacs, Richard Isaacs MD on March 7th 2016
Richard “Rich” Isaacs, MD - The Doctor is Out – to Serve You!

Most professionals have worked inside a box for so long. By that, we mean it has taken so long for people to take the ways of the innovative world to benefit majority of people, especially in the medical profession. But doctors have learned to come out of their traditional comfort-zones in order to expand their horizon and serve more people in a more dynamic and effective way. Meet one of those physicians who is out there to serve your needs: Dr. Richard Isaacs.


Dr. Isaacs’ qualifications, as posted in his web homepage, were not meant to impress but to inform and convince people of what he is capable of providing. Rich is not only a specialist in Head and Neck Oncologic Surgery but is also an experienced physician who has dealt with various cancer cases (facial skin cancer, jaw tumor. laryngeal cancer, paranasal sinus cancer and thyroid cancer and others). He has also worked in developing innovative medical procedures using robotics and computer-aided medical systems.


With his extensive experience and expertise, it is not surprising that Rich, who attended the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor as an undergraduate, excelled in academics and garnered honors a graduate. He was born and raised in Detroit and finished his medical degree at the Wayne State University School of Medicine there, also finishing with honors.


Dr. Isaacs joined Kaiser Permanente in 1995 and he holds Advanced Certification in Head and Neck Oncologic Surgery. His specializes in such cases as orbital, nasal, and maxillofacial surgery, as well as thyroid and parathyroid surgical procedures. Moreover, Rich has undergone training in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive surgery and is likewise an expert in post-tumor facial reanimation and facial reconstruction surgery. Rich is a Fellow of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery as well as of the American College of Surgeons. He has written several articles in different medical and other related publications.


In his heart, Rich is a natural teacher and is engaged in training medical students, residents and fellows from the University of California, Davis, School of Medicine, Drexel University College of Medicine (Philadelphia), and Northstate University School of Medicine (Elk Grove) where he serves as a Professor of Otolaryngology. With his passion for teaching, Rich obviously finds personal satisfaction in achieving one of the noblest occupations any person can have in life. Expertise and knowhow thrive through continuing study and research, as well as through bequeathing them on to others who will likewise apply and pass them on through their own practice.


Being a Physician-In-Chief, Rich has shown good leadership abilities as well as proven his integrity as a trustworthy professional. In April of 2005, he was appointed to the Physician-In-Chief position for the South Sacramento and Elk Grove Medical Facilities. He heads 450 physicians and over 3,000 nurses and staff who serve 210,000 Kaiser Permanente members in the South Sacramento and Elk Grove locality. Rich also works as the Medical Director of operations, as well as all inpatient and outpatient sections. He likewise holds the position of Chief Medical Officer for the 290-bed Acute Care Hospital and ACS Level II Trauma Center.


Physicians are some of the most workaholic workers we know; however, they strive to spend meaningful time in other endeavors, such as in sports. And for a doctor with his credentials, Rich chose to become a skier and an Alpine Member at the National Ski Patrol, providing complete care to injured skiers at the Tahoe Donner Ski Resort. Not only is that inspiring; it is quite commendable – spending time out of the clinic and in the great outdoors while seeing to the medical needs of other sports-enthusiasts.



Here then is a physician you would want and who is totally prepared to meet your needs: Dr. Richard “Rich” Isaacs – now out there to catch you when you fall and falter.

Thursday, January 28th 2016
peytwatson025 wrote a journal entry about find Treatment For Shoulder Arthritis in Mission Viejo, CA by Howard Marans MD on January 28th 2016 at 08:44
Find Treatment For Shoulder Arthrtitis in Mission Viejo, CA by Howard Marans MD

The shoulder may develop arthritis as a result of degeneration, trauma, or autoimmune disease. Treatment for shoulder arthritis varies based on the severity of the condition, but the majority of patients are able to control their symptoms and maintain functionality in the shoulder.

About Shoulder Arthritis

Arthritis is a broad term that simply means inflammation of a joint. It may be caused by a number of factors. Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, is a degenerative condition in which the cartilage surfaces of the joint break down over time. Post-traumatic arthritis may occur after shoulder trauma. Rheumatoid arthritis is a progressive autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks joints all over the body. There are also some less common types of arthritis, such as infectious arthritis.

Shoulder arthritis is most common among older people. It may also occur in athletes who use the shoulder frequently. Shoulder arthritis can produce pain and stiffness that make it difficult to perform even simple tasks.

Treatment Options

The most minimally invasive treatments available are preferred for treating arthritis. Because arthritis is usually a chronic condition, management is also long-term. Making lifestyle changes can go a long way toward controlling symptoms. Some common treatments include:

  • Physical therapy – Can help strengthen the muscles that support the shoulder and maintain a range of motion. The exercises learned in physical therapy should be performed at home regularly. Whatever other treatments are used, physical therapy will form a cornerstone of the treatment process.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – Medications like Aleve and Advil can help relieve the inflammation associated with shoulder arthritis.
  • Steroid injections – Steroids have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. By injecting the medication directly into the joint, it is possible to provide a large dose with only local effects.
  • Shoulder replacement – Surgical replacement of the damaged joint surfaces is sometimes necessary in cases where symptoms are severe and the patient does not respond to any other treatment methods.

Another factor that influences the course of treatment is the patient’s age and activity level. Athletes and other people who require full use of the shoulder, such as musicians, will typically receive more aggressive treatment. In contrast, older and more sedentary people will typically receive less aggressive treatment, because the benefits do not outweigh the risks.

Best Mission Viejo Shoulder Doctor

The best doctor for shoulder arthritis in Mission Viejo, CA is Dr. Howard Marans, head of OC Orthopedic. Dr. Marans has worked in orthopedics for over 20 years. He is skilled at the administration of both surgical and non-surgical treatments, and has helped many shoulder arthritis patients to regain function.

Dr. Marans would be happy to meet with you about your shoulder pain. To schedule your consultation today, please call (714) 979-8981 or click below and enter your information and we will get right back to you. 

Wednesday, January 20th 2016
peytwatson025 wrote a journal entry about rules for Successful Staff Management by Meir Ezra on January 20th 2016

If you can successfully manage people, you get more done and do more good with a group than you can as an individual. You are paid well because you are valuable to your company or organization. In fact, the best-paying jobs in this world are given to managers because good managers are so rare.


Managing people is a skill anyone can learn. Like operating a computer or repairing a car, you simply learn how management works, get some experience and bang! You're a good manager.


Unfortunately, they do not teach people management skills in traditional schools. Even business schools do not teach you how to hire people, improve their performances, resolve their disagreements, boost their morale and so on. Until L. Ron Hubbard worked out the skills and techniques you need for managing people, you had to learn how to manage on your own.


In the previous article two weeks ago, we described six rules for Successful Staff Management. These next six rules are also based on the article by L. Ron Hubbard called "How to Fill Jobs."


*. Be sincere about your purpose.


Of course, before you can be sincere about your purpose, you need to work out your purpose as a manager. Examples: "Help my staff produce more than ever." "Ensure my group reaches the objectives established by my boss." "Support the purpose of our organization and make our customers very happy."


Once you have your purpose, you must be genuine about it. If you are insincere about your purpose, as a manager, you will fail.


For example, Lucy says her purpose as a restaurant manager is to help thousands of people eat healthy food, while enjoying a pleasant environment. But in reality, Lucy's real purpose is to get as much money for herself as possible, no matter what it takes. So she buys low-quality food, pays employees as little as possible and steals the extra cash. She quickly fails as a manager because the customers hate the bad food and lousy service. The restaurant owner catches her stealing and calls the police.


David, on the other hand, sincerely wants to run a fantastic hair salon. He makes deals with the best hairdressers in town so they all get bonuses IF the shop succeeds. David's sincerity shows in his actions. For example, he personally calls all customers a few days after their appointments to ensure they are still happy. Dave succeeds and the owner lets him buy in as a partner.


*. Never send angry or upsetting written communications.


E-mails, memos, notes and letters are permanent records. Everything you write may be stored in a file forever. As a manager, you learn that sooner or later, some of your nasty notes will come back to hurt you.


For example, your assistant makes you angry when she forgets to mail a check. You write a note that says, "Flo, you stupid, stupid cow! Take that _____ check to the post office right now!"


One year later, Flo becomes your boss's assistant. While walking to an appointment with your boss, you pass her big new desk and notice your "stupid cow" note laying there.


*. Do not load your staff with so much work that they do not feel they are succeeding.


Managers get a bad reputation when they demand more than their people can handle. For example, your delivery people ship 1000 boxes per day. You demand 2000 boxes per day, with no extra help. They work very hard and get 1200 boxes shipped. They are proud of their increased production, but you are not.


You yell and scream for 2000 boxes. They realize they will never meet your demands and just pretend to try. They call you "Mr. Hitler" behind your back.


Because they no longer care about their jobs, they drop to 750 boxes. They decide you will be firing them all, so why try?



As YOU are getting fired, you realize you should have been happy with 1200 boxes. You should have then figured out how to reach 2000 boxes without overloading your team.

Monday, January 4th 2016
peytwatson025 wrote a journal entry about mossack Fonseca Group on BVI: Removed from French Non-Cooperative List on January 4th 2016

On December 21, 2015, the French Minister of Finance and Public Accounts announced that they had removed BVI from their list of non-cooperative jurisdictions. The French minister indicated that BVI had been very cooperative with France and positively responded to almost all recommended changes.


Mossack Fonseca & Co.


BVI Premier and Minister for Finance, Dr the Honourable D. Orlando Smith, OBE said, “The Government of the Virgin Islands is pleased with this positive step from France which demonstrates our commitment to exchange of information and also demonstrates our compliance with the international standards”.


The announcement comes after the progress made in BVI was also recognised by the Global Forum on Tax Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes in August 2015 which upgraded the Territory’s non-compliant rating to ‘largely compliant’.



Established in 1977, the Mossack Fonseca Group is a leading global company which provides comprehensive legal, trust and accounting services.

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