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Thursday, July 20th 2017
jakefury wrote a journal entry about duPont with Cathay Dupont Award in supporting the principles behind 4-H on July 20th 2017

Teaching the youth on how to become the true leaders of tomorrow has been the primary goal of 4-H. In particular, its purpose includes “engaging youth to reach their fullest potential while advancing the field of youth development.” The adults are helping the young people to have a dependable knowledge and a strong mind in facing future challenges through proactive, enjoyable, fulfilling, and educational opportunities.


The name of 4-H consists of four letter “H” which denotes head, heart, hands, and health – the four personal development areas of the organization. It represents “head to clearer thinking”, “heart to greater loyalty”, “hands for larger service”, and “health to better living”.


In the year 2050, our population is projected to grow up to 9 or even 10 billion, Cathay Dupont Award reported. With billions of people on one planet, it’s certain that in no time, we will have a huge problem with our resources. Experts don’t want the future generations to have huge difficulties with their food, thus they work hard to find possible solutions to such problem. Now, one great solution could be found in one country – Africa. Yes, this humble country could be the solution to the world’s biggest challenge – food.


The country has 60% of the uncultivated land in the world, but its youth don’t see huge significance in agriculture. But such view changed when 4-H was introduced to different local communities in their country. 4-H opened their mind and heart to the big importance of agriculture through various project clubs, community clubs, afterschool programs, camps, workshop, and events.


Understanding the entire food business can result in a lot of opportunities that could even change the livelihood of the youth and the people around them. With proper training from adults, young people are learning on how to use the right tools and carefully plant seeds using a scientific approach.


It becomes clearer to the youth in Africa that agriculture could help them earn more income and build wealth. The parents of the children are also seeing a good change in their local community because of the initiative performed by the young people to produce food and feed themselves.


Improving the production and distribution in the field of agribusiness is possible if people are willing to learn more about its every aspect. Africa and its people must unite for the purpose of prospering their country. Cathay Dupont Award and DuPont firmly believe that its young people could help it transform for the better, along with their older generations. Solving its food problems and the world’s won’t happen if its people are hesitant to embrace the significance of agriculture.


For a better tomorrow, DuPont invested 2 million dollars as their support in building leadership institutes in 5 African countries. The company supports 4-H in giving the youth the necessary knowledge and strong mentality to face tomorrow’s challenges.


Lastly, Cathay Dupont Award wanted you to remember that 4-H is not all about agriculture alone, it is also about citizenship, healthy living, science, engineering, and technology programs.



Thursday, April 27th 2017
jakefury wrote a journal entry about the Port of Galveston Continues to Make History on Galveston Island on April 27th 2017

The next time you pass by the bustling docks and wharfs of the Port of Galveston, take a moment to let the history and impact of the facility sink in. As the oldest port in the Gulf of Mexico west of New Orleans, the port has played a significant role in the development of island commerce for over 190 years.


What is now 850 acres of port facilities began as just a tiny speck on the map where hardboiled businessmen gathered to trade cotton, rice and other valued commodities. The facility traces its roots back to 1825 when the land was still part of Mexico and the Congress of Mexico issued a proclamation establishing it as a port. The ensuing decades would see the port become one of the most important shipping facilities in the country.


“Up until the hurricane of 1900, the port was the busiest on the Gulf Coast and was even considered the second busiest in the country behind the port of New York City,” said Port of Galveston spokesperson Cristina Galego. “Galveston’s wealth and position as the economic capital of Texas was due in large part to the port’s activity.”


Unfortunately, after the port was nearly wiped off the map by the 1900 hurricane—even though it was quickly re-built—it never reclaimed its lofty status and was overtaken by the larger, deep water facility known as the Houston Ship Channel. But the port continues to be a big economic driver for the region. The port adds $921.6 million to the regional economy, and more than $2.3 billion to the state's economy and is responsible for the creation of more than 13,890 direct and indirect jobs statewide according to a 2015 study.


If you’ve ever taken a cruise out of Galveston, you probably realize that the port attracts a lot of like-minded pleasure seekers. In fact, it’s Texas’ top cruise port, the fourth busiest cruise port in North America and ranks in the top 10 in the world. Galego says over 869,000 passengers embarked on cruise journeys out of the port in 2016 and that number is projected to grow to over 946,000 passengers in 2017, with total sailings projected to increase from 235 in 2016 to 257 this year.


The port is home to some of the most popular cruise lines in the world, including three Carnival Cruise Line vessels, two Royal Caribbean Cruise Line ships and a Disney Cruise Line vessel. If you’re looking to visit lush western Caribbean locales such as Cozumel, Belize, Jamaica and the Bahamas, a visit to the Port of Galveston is likely in your future.



Plus, if you’ve recently bought a BMW, there’s a good chance it passed through the port following the establishment last year of the BMW Vehicle Processing Center, which handled about 16,000 new Bimmers and Minis in 2016.

Friday, September 9th 2016
jakefury wrote a journal entry about pro Axia Consultants Business Consulting Group in Osaka, Tokyo, Nagoya, Japan: The innovative partnership between SAP and Apple on September 9th 2016
Proaxia Consultants,Consulting Group in Osaka,Tokyo, Nagoya, Japan, The innovative, partnership, between, SAP, and Apple Backlinks:

State-of-the-art developments and improved business value await the modern society because of Apple/SAP partnership. Combining Apple's renowned user experience with SAP's unparalleled end-to-end business process and software will surely create surprising transformations in the modern society.

This partnership will also lead companies and developers in making a great difference in the digital world, as well as giving new opportunities and changing the mobile work experience for customers. It can also produce great business applications and open potential for their customers.

In order for customers to fully leverage the data in their SAP enterprise systems and change how they run their business anywhere, SAP is developing plenty of new and native iOS industry apps for the business processes.

What kind of capability that drives a digital enterprise? The answer could be the ability to obtain mission-critical information, reports, and data each time you need it without being bound to your desktop.

SAP is targeting industries that have a high demand for consumer applications as they build out those applications. The firm also provides their community of developers with next generation tools and training in order to build, extend, and run a new class of native iOS apps powered by HANA Cloud Platform or HCP. Developers can get access to the power of HANA in the cloud.

Changing an existing SAP application (or mobile SAP app) is possible with HCP even though you're not a developer wherein you also don't need months of customizations with many consultants. HCP is the fastest path to the best app, and Apple and SAP's partnership made this path even better.

Years of building a SAP app will be changed because companies and developers can now quickly develop their own native apps for iPhone and iPad through SAP HCP SDK for iOS and training for developers to native iOS apps powered by HCP while taking advantage of all the innovative iOS technologies.

SAP  along with Apple provide developers with a SAP Fiori for iOS design language based on SAP Fiori UX adapted for iOS, including reusable design components and building blocks to improve the development of reliable and wonderful UI design across applications and over the lifecycle of every application. This is to make sure that app adoption and user experience will be smooth and easy to use.

SAP and Apple will together build a SAP Academy for iOS to complement the SDK as well as curate and educate their combined ecosystem that could connect an incredible number of developers, customers, SI partners and ISV partners. It would also be greatly beneficial for both SAP and Apple to impart the knowledge of technical expertise and design skills for native iOS app development.

Real work in real time is also attainable with this partnership. It will be easier to use and leverage your organization's most important data on their iPhone and iPad devices. SAP provides an enterprise computing platform through HANA that allows customers to constantly access their data and get significant information every day.

The partnership between Apple and SAP aims to create applications that can be vital for their customers, which allows newer and faster methods in performing a task, accessing data and doing their job. Having the ability to access real-time data accurately is really a game changer. Mobile apps on iOS will make digital transformation even more prevalent across various enterprises.

Innovative transformation could really happen and life will become easier with the combination of SAP's insightful data management and Apple's great user experience. Pro Axia Consultants is looking forward to this partnership because the firm strongly believes that it could bring endless possibilities and benefits to the modern world.



Thursday, August 18th 2016
jakefury wrote a journal entry about cambridge Associates Asia Singapore: Areas of Expertise on August 18th 2016

We know all investors are not the same. That’s why our investment professionals are organized within practice areas. Our investment professionals are experts at understanding the nuances of the client segments that we serve. They devote their time to addressing your specific challenges.


Nonprofit Institutions

Nonprofit institutions represent more than two-thirds of our client base.  These clients’ assets represent more than 70% of total U.S. higher education endowment assets and 40% of U.S. foundation assets.   And we work with each client to help them build a portfolio that is fully customized to meet their investment goals.  Explore our nonprofit practice.


Private Client

Working with more than 200 private clients in 25 countries around the world, our private wealth professionals know how to develop tax-aware strategies, plan for generational needs, and identify beneficial trust structures.  Explore our private client practice.



We recognize that each plan sponsor has unique and different objectives.  For the more than 100 pension funds that we work with, we develop customized solutions to help plan sponsors meet their fiduciary obligations. Explore our pension practice.


Mission-Focused Investors

Using our global manager database and extensive due diligence on a wide range of MRI investment opportunities across asset classes, we help investors develop and implement mission-related strategies that work for their portfolios.  Explore our mission-related investing practice.


Enterprise Advisory

Working with nonprofit institutions for more than 40 years, we specialize in understanding the enterprise conditions, risks, and opportunities that are unique to each institution’s circumstances. Explore our enterprise advisory practice.

Friday, August 12th 2016
jakefury wrote a journal entry about huxley Associates: How can a recruiter add value? on August 12th 2016

In any business, going the extra mile is going to produce the best results. At Huxley Banking and Finance, we seek to do just that.


One of our clients is a global investment firm. We have been working with them for several years, sourcing placements across specialist roles, particularly within their technology division. Last year they asked us to help them with a series of placements in a country in which we don’t currently operate - Canada. They had been unsuccessful in their search so far, and wanted to leverage the success we’d already had with them here in the UK.


We looked at the issues they were facing – not being able to find people of the right calibre or with the right experience within their local area – and set to work on making this a global project. We knew where the sort of talent they were looking for existed in both Europe and America, so we involved two of our European offices as well as two of our North American offices alongside the UK office. We set about finding three types of candidates: those already based in the area that we knew had the right skills; citizens of Canada currently based abroad but who had a desire to move back home; and citizens of other countries who had the knowledge and skills required, and who would welcome the opportunity for an international relocation.


What made the difference?

“It was crucial that we secured the investment in terms of time from our client in the first instance,” explains Ashley McCuskey, Client Relationship Manager at London Banking & Finance. “We worked hard to understand our clients’ strict brief, but in the initial stages that requires them to spend some time with us going through their exact needs.”


After that all the profiles were sent through one contact, in this case, Ashley, who would then gather specific feedback on each one.


“It meant I could make sure that the profiles we were sending consistently aligned with their strict brief,” she explains. “Every time we received feedback we would use that to refine our search further.”


Within three weeks, our client had offered the first role to one of our candidates. After that it was a case of replicating the process to find the others.


“It was a tricky market,” admits Ashley. “It was a candidate-driven market and finding the right people was certainly not easy, they were few and far between. Those candidates could more or less pick and choose the roles, so we also worked with the company to help them differentiate themselves, for instance, by offering to help with the relocation process.”


Despite their current recruitment needs having been met, for both their UK and Canadian offices, the client still meets with us on a regularly basis. “They saw how well we worked, and they want to make sure that they are ready – and we were ready - as soon as the next opportunity arises,” states Ashley.


Well-thought out solutions

Emily Organ, Client Relationship Manager at London Banking & Finance, is responsible for meeting the recruitment needs of another financial client, this time in the UK. In this instance, it wasn’t just the quality of the candidates that was important, but finding a large number of candidates within a short space of time to meet a surge in requirements. Emily picks up the story:


“We’ve had this client for a number of years, but some of our work with them was intermittent, spot business. We felt that we needed to get to grips with the bigger picture, so we arranged meetings with various departments to understand their overall structure and high level strategy going forward.


“In the wake of the financial crisis, all financial institutions have had to get to grips with the wave of new regulations imposed upon them. We knew that this firm was going to have to upskill in certain departments as a result, so we put forward our case for helping them. We were pleased to be chosen as a preferred supplier for a project last year – basically, two rounds of hiring around 100 contracts.


“They chose us because of our knowledge of their business, but also because we worked like crazy to get the best candidates for them. I was constantly visiting their offices so I knew exactly where they were with the project, what they needed and whether requirements were changing as the project went on. We couldn’t have been more involved in the whole process.


“In addition, we did everything we could to make their lives easier. For instance, not by just presenting them with the candidate profiles, but by outlining the case for each candidate in terms of their skills and experience. Highlighting which had worked for the institution previously, for instance.


We ended up being the top performing supplier. Not only that, but we had the highest completion rate of those contracts, and the highest number of contractors whose contract was extended. They’ve now appointed us preferred agent.”



To discuss this topic further or if you have any questions then please contact Ashley McCuskey ( or Emily Organ (

Thursday, August 4th 2016
jakefury wrote a journal entry about pugh Heating & Air Conditioning: Best reasons to have air conditioning in your home on August 4th 2016

During the summer season, most people need a new air conditioning installation for their homes, and keeping the indoor spaces of their home at a cool temperature is their priority. Summer also means that it’s also the perfect time to contact your trusted HVAC Company, such as the Pugh Heating & Air Conditioning.


When looking for a trustworthy organization, avoid fraud services online because fraudsters often disguise themselves as representatives from a genuine company and offer their services to you in exchange of your personal and financial information.


Pugh Heating & Air Conditioning can perform proper air conditioning service and installation for your home and can help you decide which AC installation is the best for your particular property. You can also schedule installing air conditioning to your home before summer actually begins to their team. This specific home improvement service has great benefits for your home and listed on the following are the reasons why you should have one today:


Steadfast cooling


Even though it is scorching hot outside, you can still have a cool temperature inside your home with an air conditioner that is connected to a programmable thermostat. You can enjoy its steady and cool temperature throughout the day. A new AC system ensures that you will not suffer from the strong heat outside during the summer season.


Purify indoor air


Air conditioners don’t only provide a cool and comfortable temperature for your home, but it can also purify your indoor air. It delivers all your cooled air through an air filter before air conditioners can actually provide climate controlled air to your home. This air filter will remove dirt, dust, and other allergens while purifying your indoor air.




Some people often get irritated with a hot temperature which also makes them hot-headed in an instant. Because of this, the introduction of air conditioning has been their lifesaver. You can easily and quickly cool your home with a single push of a button where you can enjoy its cool temperature and relax your mind at the same time. You can also avoid heat-related illnesses during summer's strong heat with air conditioning. In case you have further inquiries, Pugh Heating & Air Conditioning will provide you with more information about air conditioning maintenance and installation.



Since 1939, Pugh Heating & Air Conditioning has been serving a lot of people with their HVAC needs. Reviews prove that they are reliable and trustworthy. You can trust their team with installations on everything, from ventilation to heating systems and water heaters. Aside from air conditioning, you can also inquire about different alternative heating systems, including boilers, hot boilers or heat pumps on their team. Call them today for a free estimate on the costs of their products and services. They also offer service protection to their customers.

Wednesday, June 8th 2016
jakefury wrote a journal entry about global Singapore Visa processing tips - Document Fraud (Misrepresentation) on June 8th 2016

It is a serious crime to lie, or to send false information or documents, when you deal with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). This is fraud. It is called “misrepresentation.”

Document fraud can involve either false or altered documents, such as:

• passports and travel documents,

• visas,

• diplomas, degrees, and apprenticeship or trade papers,

• birth, marriage, final divorce, annulment, separation or death certificates, and

• police certificates.

If you lie on an application or in an interview with a CIC officer, this is also fraud and a crime.

If you send false documents or information, CIC will refuse your application. You could also:

• be forbidden to enter Canada for at least five years,

• have a permanent record of fraud with CIC,

• have your status as a permanent resident or Canadian citizen taken away,

• be charged with a crime or

• be removed from Canada.

What CIC is doing to stop immigration fraud

CIC works with our partners to monitor document fraud and train officers around the world. Partners include:

• the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA),

• the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and

• foreign police services and offices that issue identity documents.

CIC is working with the CBSA and the RCMP to phase in biometrics. This means we will use data such as fingerprints to confirm a person’s identity.

Biometrics will make it much harder for people to hide who they are. It will also help reduce identity fraud.

Friday, June 3rd 2016
jakefury wrote a journal entry about project Manager, Fraud Operations Strategy - IHM on June 3rd 2016

Project Manager, Fraud Operations Strategy


Discover Products Inc seeks a Project Manager, Fraud Operations Strategy, in Riverwoods, Illinois to develop and implement operational strategies by leveraging analytics and understanding of fraud operations processes. Work across multi-functional teams. Administer activities around design and deployment of strategies into fraud operations procedures and processes for customer interactions through multiple channels. Identify opportunities for process improvements through data driven approach. Assess impacts to policy/procedures and other operational impacts of any change. Work on fraud system impacts related to new infrastructure changes as a result of SAS and real time data requirements. Define and gather real time data requirements from operations strategy standpoint. Define user stories and requirements for system changes. Operational system UAT and documentation. Organize several different projects at once, negotiate timelines with multiple business partners, and communicate with all levels of organization. Perform analysis and utilize results to design, test and recommend effective strategies. Provide ongoing process management, communication, and support to strategy/field partners. Promote a risk-aware culture, ensure efficient and effective risk and compliance management practices by adhering to required standards and processes.


REQUIREMENTS: Bachelor's degree in Operations Management, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electronics Engineering or related quantitative field, or equivalent and 5 years of experience managing and executing operational strategies for multinational organization utilizing data manipulation tools including SAS, SQL and advanced Excel; creating test cases and analyzing business requirements to ensure accurate test results and documenting results; and, optimizing VBA automation tools and Java to identify issues.


QUALIFIED APPLICANTS: Please apply directly through this website by clicking on "Apply Now." No calls. Equal Opportunity Employer/disability/vet.


We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and do not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, status as a veteran, and basis of disability or any other federal, state or local protected class.

Wednesday, January 20th 2016
jakefury wrote a journal entry about mossack Fonseca: Integración laboral de personas con discapacidad en Panamá on January 20th 2016

Mediante Decreto de Gabinete 221, de 18 de noviembre de 1971, con el propósito que todo el que trabaja merece por su contribución los beneficios recibidos por su empleador, se estableció el Décimo Tercer Mes, como retribución especial a los trabajadores.


La situación de discapacidad en el mundo sobrepasa el ámbito de la salud, constituyéndose en un reto evidentemente social, ya que de acuerdo con la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU), se estima que la décima parte de la humanidad presenta alguna discapacidad. Es por esto que la integración activa a la sociedad de las personas que sufren esta situación se ha constituido en un tema prioritario.


Las personas con discapacidad conforman un grupo vulnerable y numeroso, al que el modo en que se estructura y funciona la sociedad ha mantenido habitualmente en conocidas condiciones de exclusión.


Como nosotros en Facebook, Mossack Fonseca (Official)


El 3 de diciembre de cada año se conmemora el Día Internacional de las Personas con Discapacidad, con el objetivo de crear conciencia de que dentro de nuestra sociedad convive un grupo de personas que apela por una efectiva y plena inclusión en igualdad de condiciones con el resto de la humanidad.


Específicamente en Panamá -de acuerdo con la Primera Encuesta de Prevalencia de la Discapacidad, Pendis 2006- el 11,3% de la población presenta alguna discapacidad. Se han identificado en Panamá seis tipos de discapacidad principales: Ceguera, sordera, retraso mental, parálisis cerebral, deficiencia física y problemas mentales. De estos, prevalecieron la deficiencia física (30,1%) y la ceguera (22,0%).


Es por esta razón que el Estado ha implementado una serie de normas inclusivas a las personas con discapacidad, entre las que cabe mencionar: La Ley No. 42 de 27 de agosto de 1999, “Por la cual se establece la equiparación de oportunidades para las personas con discapacidad”, reglamentada por el Decreto Ejecutivo No. 88 de 12 de noviembre de 2002; la Ley No. 25 de 10 de julio de 2007, “Por la cual se aprueban la Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad y el Protocolo Facultativo de la Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad, adoptados en Nueva York por la Asamblea General de la ONU el 13 de diciembre de 2006”; y La Política de Discapacidad de la República de Panamá de 2009.


Derecho al trabajo de las personas discapacitadas


Según la Ley No. 42 de 27 de agosto de 1999 las personas con discapacidad tienen derecho a optar por un empleo productivo y remunerado, en igualdad de condiciones. Las políticas y programas de contratación y ascenso, condiciones de empleo, tasas de remuneración, ambiente laboral y de reinserción de los trabajadores lesionados en accidentes laborales, deben ser equitativos. En los casos en que las personas con discapacidad apliquen para un puesto de trabajo en igualdad de calificaciones, estas deberán ser consideradas prioritariamente para ocupar la posición.


El trabajador cuya discapacidad haya sido diagnosticada por autoridades competentes, tendrá derecho a permanecer en su puesto de trabajo, y de no poder ejercerlo, a que se tomen las medidas para lograr su readaptación profesional u ocupacional. De igual forma, tendrá derecho a la adaptación del puesto de trabajo que ocupa dentro de la empresa o institución. Cuando el puesto de trabajo no pueda ser readaptado, el trabajador deberá ser reubicado de acuerdo con sus posibilidades y potencialidades, sin menoscabo de su salario.


Todo empleador que tenga cincuenta (50) trabajadores o más, contratará y/o mantendrá trabajadores con discapacidad, debidamente calificados, en una proporción no inferior al dos por ciento (2%) de su personal, los cuales deberán recibir un salario igual al de cualquier otro trabajador que desempeñe la misma tarea dentro de la institución o empresa.


Las instituciones o empresas que se nieguen a contratar y/o mantener el dos por ciento (2%) del personal con discapacidad, debidamente calificado para trabajar, estarán obligadas a aportar, al Ministerio de Trabajo y Desarrollo Laboral, una suma igual al salario mínimo por cada persona dejada de contratar, durante todo el tiempo que dure su renuencia.

Leer: Beneficios fiscales en la contratación de personas con discapacidad



Tuesday, January 12th 2016
jakefury wrote a journal entry about video Release -- Eduardito Visits Mossack Fonseca on January 12th 2016

PANAMA CITY, Panama, Dec. 5, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Eduardito, the boy who is the symbol of the 20-30 Panama 2014 Telethon, recently toured Mossack Fonseca's main office in Panama. During his visit, all of the staff was impressed by Eduardito's cheerfulness and optimism.


A video accompanying this release is available at


Eduardito goes to the Buen Pastor de Canaán School in San Miguelito, where he is an energetic kindergartner who loves his classes. When he was one month old, he was diagnosed with Type B Meningococcemia and, as a result, both of his hands and legs had to be amputated. Despite this tragedy, Eduardito is a happy and eager boy and his determination is an example for all of us.


Like us on Facebook, Mossack Fonseca (Official)


This year, the 20-30 Telethon is raising funds in order to equip and create new departments at the National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Institute (PM&RI). There is limited room at the PM&RI, which makes it difficult to attend to the growing number of patients in the child and adult physiotherapy departments. This has limited the PM&RI's acquisition of modern equipment required for such rehabilitation.


The Mossack Fonseca Group (Panama) welcomed Eduardito affectionately and showered him with gifts. The staff also donated to the cause that he represents on behalf of thousands of children.


The Mossack Fonseca Group is proud to sponsor activities that contribute to the welfare of Panamanian children with special needs, as well as activities to support different organizations that share our vision of enhancing and developing our country.


Lexa de Wittgreen

Marketing Communications Manager

54th E. Street, Panama

Tel. +507 205 5888 ext 377



Read this post here.

Wednesday, December 30th 2015
jakefury wrote a journal entry about panama: Ship Registry up Despite Slowing Global Economy by Mossack Fonseca on December 30th 2015

While a local news organization has misinterpreted technical information regarding the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP), the AMP reports that 2015 has actually been a solid year for the Panama Ship Registry―despite headwinds from a slowing global economy. An AMP press release revealed the following:


• As per Lloyd’s Register of Ships, the Panama Ship Registry ranks # 1 in the world with over 8,100 registered vessels that comprise 218 million gross registered tons (GRT), representing 18% of the world’s merchant fleet.

• In the first 11 months of 2015, there was a net growth of over 350 vessels (flaggings minus deletions), which represents an increase of 136 vessels (62%) when compared with the same period in 2014.

• During the period of January to November 2015, 422 newly constructed ships were registered in the Panama Ship Registry compared to 413 during the same period in 2014. This increase represents, in terms of GRT, almost a million tons (700,000 tons).

• The AMP estimates that the Panamanian fleet will add almost 600 newly constructed vessels over the next five years (2016-2020).


Who is Mossack Fonseca?


The AMP press release went on to indicate that they are guided by business strategies based on four pillars: (i) security and prevention; (ii) sustainability; (iii) registration; and (iv) business. They stressed that their business strategies are based on carefully considered, scientific analyses of all relevant aspects of the shipping industry.



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