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thomasshaw9688 had san francisco real estate market on January 30th 2023
Activity type: Had a meal

Brief description: san francisco real estate market
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san francisco real estate market

The Bay Area REIA, Bay Area Real Estate Investors Association, is a local investment association focused in the San Francisco Bay Area of California. We focus on teaching individuals how to invest in the local housing market. This includes major cities like San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, Fremont, and more. We are dedicated to helping individuals learn the ins and outs of investing in the San Francisco Bay Area real estate market by providing education on a variety of topics, including but not limited to real estate investment strategies, property analysis, financing, long-term rentals, short-term rentals, fix & Flip and more. We also host monthly meetings, workshops, and events to connect investors and provide networking opportunities to help our members succeed in the real estate market.

Activity date: January 30th 2023
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