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thomasshaw9688 wrote a journal entry about zwischenverpflegung für Unternehmen on September 7th 2022
Activity type: Journal entry

Subject: Zwischenverpflegung für Unternehmen

Memory jog: Zwischenverpflegung für Unternehmen

Journal entry:



Brainfood snacks are snacks that are beneficial for the brain. These snacks are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are vital to the health of the brain. They also have other health benefits such as improving mood, cognition, memory, and other health benefits. A 4-ounce can of tuna contains approximately 260 calories , and has an adequate amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Furthermore, a portion of tuna is also high in protein.

Activity date: September 7th 2022
Activity time:
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