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Monday, March 7th 2016
jeffanderson3 wrote a journal entry about dr Howard Marans MD: Who is the Best Knee Specialist in Tustin? on March 7th 2016 at 18:03
Dr Howard Marans MD: Who is the Best Knee Specialist in Tustin?

People who lead active lifestyles understand knee pain will occur at some point. Participation in sports, training, or a fitness routine can create all types of problems for the knee.


Best Knee Specialist


From simple muscle strains to serious injuries, knee pain can abruptly halt one’s active lifestyle. Chronic pain may decrease participation in activities dramatically. Finding the best knee specialist in Tustin should be the next step.


Knee Injury Symptoms


Symptoms will vary with each person based on the degree of injury or the stage of the degenerative disease. The best knee specialist in Tustin – Dr. Howard Marans – will be able to determine if the symptoms are part of a larger problem.


·         Pain is often the first indicator of an injury or disease


·         The pain does not subside over time



·         Simple knee movements may increase the amount of pain


·         Swelling of the knee creating extra pressure and pain


·         Difficulty standing or placing full weight on the knee


·         Redness or tenderness to the touch around the knee area


After experiencing any knee injury symptoms, the decision to make an appointment with an orthopedic specialist should be a priority. Early diagnosis and treatment will help in achieving the desired outcome allowing the person to resume normal activities.


Common Knee Problems


The best knee specialist in Tustin will start with a precise diagnosis to determine the reason for the pain. Medical history, physical examination, x-rays, MRIs, and other imaging devices are primarily used.


·         Arthritis commonly effects the knees of elderly adults


·         Arthritis is a degenerative disease causing stiffness, inflammation, and pain in the knee joint


·         Dislocated knee cap


·         Bursitis occurs from overuse or repetitive motion of the knee joint


·         The bursa sac swells, creating pain in the knee


·         Knee ligament injuries


·         Knee cartilage tears


Each type of knee problem will require a specialized treatment approach based on the patient’s diagnosis.




In many cases, the only treatment available is surgery to repair the damage or help eliminate the painful symptoms of a degenerative disease. Milder injuries may be treated with non-surgical methods to help engage in the body’s healing process.


·         Resting and avoiding activities that require knee movement


·         Elevation of the knee with a pillow during times of inactivity


·         Cold compresses for approximately 20 minutes every 4 hours or as directed by a healthcare professional


·         Anti-inflammatory medication to help fight pain and reduce swelling


·         Physical Therapy to allow the muscle to be strengthened to add to the flexibility of the knee


·         Steroid injections to help reduce painful symptoms including swelling


Best Knee Specialist in Tustin



Each treatment option will depend on the findings of the initial diagnosis. The best knee specialist in Tustin, Dr. Howard Marans, has over 20 years of consistent experience with all types of musculoskeletal issues. Dr. Marans works with each patient to design an individualized treatment program yielding best results possible. Dr. Marans strives to provide the best knee treatment in Tustin, returning his patients to a normal, active lifestyle. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981.

Tuesday, January 5th 2016
jeffanderson3 wrote a journal entry about howard Marans MD on January 5th 2016 at 14:55
Howard Marans MD: Affordable and Effective Arthritis Treatment Options in Fountain Valley

Arthritis Treatment Options


In broad terms, arthritis is the inflammation of one or more of the joints within the human body. Every day, thousands of people of all ages experience pain and stiffness due to the degenerative effects of arthritis. In general as a person ages, the pain associated with arthritis may increase due to the simple wear and tear on the human body.


Beginning with an accurate diagnosis from a Fountain Valley orthopedic expert, arthritis treatment options will vary with each patient. Depending on the degree of degeneration, affordable and effective non-surgical methods may be enough to combat the symptoms of the disease to allow a patient resume normal daily activities.


Non-Surgical Arthritis Treatment Options


In Fountain Valley, seeking the expert knowledge of an orthopedic doctor will help find the best type of arthritis treatment options for the best price. The orthopedic doctor will begin with a complete medical history, physical examination, and testing to determine if the symptoms are related to arthritis. After a precise diagnosis, the doctor will design an effective program and explain the desired expectations for the various non-surgical arthritis treatment options.


·         Maintain a healthy weight; losing the extra pounds will help reduce the stress on the joints. Working to stay in good physical condition will be more helpful in the long term as the degenerative disease slowly progresses.

·         Strength training and low impact exercises will help in reducing symptoms while increasing flexibility and range of motion. For example, numerous arthritis sufferers opt to use swim exercise programs to help get the most out of a workout with limited impact on the joints.

·         Physical therapy may be ordered by the orthopedic specialist to help restore range of movement. The sessions will use stretching exercises to help with everyday activities, including walking, sitting, climbing small sets of stairs and much more.

·         Corticosteroid medication or injections to help reduce inflammation which will reduce the pain of the joints.

·         Over the counter or prescribed pain medications to reduce inflammation, pain, and stiffness.

·         The use of a brace or splint to give extra support when symptoms are overwhelming.

·         Walking with a cane for added support during daily activities

·         Hot or cold compresses to ease symptoms, including pain and inflammation




After all the non-surgical arthritis treatment options have been exhausted, surgery may be the next step in the treatment program. Surgery may involve replacing the entire joint with a prosthetic one or alignment of the existing joint for better range of movement. The types of surgical arthritis treatment options usually fall into one of four categories.


·         Arthroscopy is a medical procedure where small incisions are made around the diseased joint. Inserting small instruments in the incisions allow for removal of pieces of bone, cartilage or tissue away from the joint to reduce symptoms.

·         Arthroplasty is a total joint replacement.

·         Joint fusion removes the joint completely to fuse the bones together.

·         Osteotomy is a surgery designed to preserve the joints by cutting a section of the bone.


Arthritis Treatment Options



With the various arthritis treatment options available, Dr. Howard Marans will individually work with each patient to achieve an optimal outcome. Dr.Howard Marans accepts various insurances including PPO to provide the highest level of care without creating a financial hardship for the patient. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981.

Tuesday, December 15th 2015
jeffanderson3 wrote a journal entry on December 15th 2015 at 11:39
Howard Marans MD: Rheumatoid Arthritis vs. Osteoarthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis vs. Osteoarthritis


Arthritis occurs when one or more of the body’s joints becomes inflamed. Arthritis can be caused by many issues, but the most common types of arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Each type causes different symptoms and requires a different approach to treatment.

Types of Arthritis


There are numerous types of arthritis. Some of the types include:

  • Osteoarthritis – A degenerative condition in which the cartilage and other joint structures wear down, resulting in pain and inflammation. Most common in older people, obese people, and people who have untreated orthopedic injuries.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis – A progressive autoimmune condition in which the body’s immune system attacks healthy tissue in the joints. Typically, the same joints on both sides of the body are affected. This condition has a significant genetic component.
  • Gouty arthritis – Gout can cause arthritis. Gouty arthritis may occur with certain thyroid conditions, or more rarely as a result of a nutritional deficiency.
  • Post-traumatic arthritis – Joint inflammation that occurs after a joint injury, such as a car accident or sports accident.
  • Infectious arthritis – A rare condition in which a joint becomes infected. Sudden joint pain, fever, and joint warmth may all be noted. This is a serious condition requiring prompt intervention.

Osteoarthritis Treatment


Osteoarthritis treatment is focused on relieving inflammation and restoring joint function. Typically, the most minimally invasive treatments are the most preferable form of treatment. Common treatments include:

  • Physical therapy – Relives inflammation and strengthens the muscles that support the joints. The exercises should be continued at home during and after the formal physical therapy ends.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – NSAIDs such as Aleve and Advil help bring down inflammation.
  • Weight loss – For obese people, losing weight can reduce the stress on the joints. Losing as little as 10% of one’s body weight can help.
  • Surgery – Surgery can be used to replace joints that have suffered severe damaged. Surgery can be either arthroscopic or open joint depending on which joint is affected and how much of the joint must be replaced.



Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment


  • Many treatments are common between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. However, because rheumatoid arthritis is a progressive, autoimmune condition, some different treatments are also employed. In addition to the treatments explored in the osteoarthritis section, rheumatoid arthritis treatment may also include:
  • Occupational therapy – Helps make changes to allow patients to perform activities such as cooking, dialing the phone, and personal hygiene
  • Maintaining joint mobility – Preventing permanent loss of joint mobility is a primary concern. Stretching several times a day as outlined by the physical therapist is key. In addition, patients are instructed to make changes such as sleeping on one’s back on a flat, hard mattress with a low pillow.
  • Autoimmune drugs – Some drugs specifically target the autoimmune response involved in rheumatoid arthritis. These drugs often have significant side effects, but may still be the best option.


Dr. Howard Marans is the top arthritis doctor in Orange County. Dr. Howard Marans would be happy to meet with you about your rheumatoid arthritis treatment. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.

Friday, November 13th 2015
jeffanderson3 wrote a journal entry about dr. Howard Marans on November 13th 2015 at 12:53
Dr. Howard Marans: Arthroscopic Surgeon at Your Service

Anyone who has had an injured knee, or any joint for that matter, realizes the importance of having normally-functioning skeletal system. Just the simple but often-taken-for-granted ability to walk without experiencing knee or ankle pains can be an elusive privilege for many who have severe orthopedic conditions that require surgery. Thanks to medical technological advancement, people who have these conditions can resort to arthroscopic surgery which Dr. Howard Marans routinely undertakes at his clinic.


Arthroscopic surgery simply involves the use of a tiny camera called an “arthroscope” to allow the surgeon to see inside a joint. Thus, the camera enables Dr. Howard Marans to conduct accurate diagnosis of any orthopedic condition and provide the proper treatment of various joint problems. In contrast to open surgery, arthroscopic surgery is a minimally invasive process which is why it is much more preferable than open surgery.


Some of the advantages of arthroscopic surgery include the absence of large incisions, thereby allowing the patient to recover fast even without having to stay in a hospital after the operation. As such, bleeding and infection are also minimized with this kind of procedure. Recovery time is also shorter as a result of the minimal invasive nature of the procedure.


Arthroscopic surgery is used often in injuries involving such joints as the shoulders, knees, hip, wrist and spine, although it can be used for any joint of the body. Ligament tears and damaged cartilage on the knee can be repaired using this procedure. Dislocated or impinged shoulders, including rotator cuff tears can also be healed through this means. 


This procedure is frequently used on larger joints to treat certain conditions. Dysplasia of the hips and other conditions, carpal tunnel syndrome of the wrist and herniated discs and other spine conditions are routine procedures done through arthroscopic surgery.


Sticks and stones may break our bones; but the handy camera -- of course, in the presence of an experienced doctor such as Dr. Howard Marans – can undo whatever injury they may cause. Bones may not need a selfie; but a happy and healed patient deserves one after a successful surgery.  



Saturday, November 7th 2015
jeffanderson3 wrote a journal entry about howard Marans MD on November 7th 2015 at 11:16
Howard Marans MD: 7 Tips to Prepare for Your Appointment


Dr. Howard Marans specializes in sports medicine, orthopedic surgery in Fountain Valley, California.


Prepare for Your Appointment


That anxious moment in the exam room as you wait for the doctor to arrive is not the moment to begin preparing for your appointment. You have just 15 to 30 minutes with that doctor. To make the most of your time together—and to ensure you get the care you need—take a few minutes now to learn what you can do to prepare for your next appointment. Here are six tips to get you started.


1. Gather the Right Information


Our mission is not only to guide you to the right doctor, but to help you get the most out of your doctor visits. The key to a successful appointment is communication. You need to communicate your needs, understand your diagnosis, and discuss your treatment options. Before you go, prepare ahead of time with Health grades Health Coaches, At Your Appointment Guides, and in-depth healthcare information.


2. Identify Your Symptoms


The more accurately and completely you can describe your symptoms, the more likely it is that your doctor can identify your health problem and prescribe an effective course of treatment. Before the appointment, write down all your symptoms. Describe your symptoms in plain language, noting when they started and whether they get worse at certain times of day or in certain situations. Also write a brief outline of your medical history, and be sure to list all the medications you’re currently taking.


3. Research Your Symptoms


Once you’ve identified your symptoms, research them. The more you can learn about the possible causes of your symptoms—and what your treatment options may be—the better equipped you’ll be to discuss your care with your doctor and understand his or her instructions. You can find the resources you need to research your health problems—or to learn how to stay healthy—in our Right Care Centers.


4. Take a Health Assessment


Our Health Coaches ask you a series of questions about a particular condition or disease. We offer Health Coaches for the most common conditions and diseases including childhood ADHD, depression, diabetes, knee pain, and multiple sclerosis. Each is a self-guided health interview that helps you find out if you might suffer from the condition, evaluate your treatment if you’ve already been diagnosed, and get a personalized action plan, including coping tips.


5. Lead the Conversation with Your Doctor


Sometimes it’s difficult to “find your voice” at the doctor’s office. Our At Your Appointment Guides provide you with a series of talking points and questions to ask. We have guides for common conditions like back pain; rare conditions like psoriasis; and situations that require a doctor’s care like birth control. At Your Appointment Guides contain general visit questions as well as specific questions about your symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and medications. You can even print them out!


6. Understand Your Procedure


If you’re likely to need a medical procedure—whether surgery or a diagnostic test, such as a colonoscopy or mammogram—learn all you can about the procedure before your visit so you’ll understand your options and be able to discuss them intelligently. Health grades offers comprehensive articles, slideshows and videos for many common procedures that explain the purpose of the procedure, how it’s performed, the risks involved and what you’ll need to do to prepare for it.


7. Make the Most of Your Next Appointment



Your relationship with your doctor is a partnership. The better able you are to communicate your needs and understand your options, the more productive your appointment will be and the more likely you are to get the treatment you need. The time you have with your doctor is all too brief. A little preparation will help you make the most of your next appointment.

Saturday, October 31st 2015
jeffanderson3 wrote a journal entry about howard Marans MD on October 31st 2015 at 10:15
Howard Marans MD: What is the Most Effective Treatment of Wrist Arthritis?

Joint inflammation can cause significant discomfort in the body. A prominent inflammation point is the wrist. This condition is known as arthritis and can interfere with movement of the wrist and hands. This problem causes pain of varied levels and should be treated as soon as possible.


Although arthritis can attack the body at any age, a large number of people over the age of 65 have problems with arthritis. The pain and stiffness may feel better with activity but the pain never completely goes away. Manipulating the hands and fingers may give you problems when you are opening a door or a bottle or using your keys. Arthritis of the wrist can create pain that makes average activities difficult – but it makes sports especially difficult.


Prominent Forms of Arthritis:


Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the body will simultaneously attack smaller parts of the body, particularly the joints. Millions suffer from this debilitating malady. It softens tissue and incapacitates the joints, destroying their ability to straighten, causing deformity.


Osteoarthritis is a destructive condition that destroys articular cartilage covering bone ends. Without this cartilage, the bones start to create friction, painfully rubbing against one another.


Most Effective Treatment of Wrist Arthritis


1. Exercise. This therapy is considered to help create more mobility in the wrist.

2. Rest. Slowing down an active lifestyle is one way to lessen the pains of wrist arthritis. Reducing friction on the joints will ease pain and wear.

3. Injections. Cortisone in an anti-inflammatory treatment that fights arthritis.

4. Medications. Used to stop inflammation, ibuprofens and other drugs help to ease painfu arthritis. Use of anti inflammatory medications work for most people, getting them through the day. However, this is usually not a permanent solution.

5. Stop using the wrist and place it in a splint. Splints are often sold in drug stores and may help pain, restoring comfortable use of the wrist.


These are a few basic treatments, but in the case of deformities, surgical methods are required. The wrist is important to the body and if unattended, fusion may become the only answer. Keep in mind; this is a surgical treatment. Problems in the wrist can effect mobility. Upon examination, your doctor can map out a range of treatment that is best for your particular level of arthritis.


1. Fusion. The wrist bones are fused together eliminating pain, offering an effective treatment of wrist arthritis.

2. Replacement. The surgeon completely removes the wrist bones, replacing them with artificial parts.

3. Bone Removal. The surgeon removes infected bone but leaves some wrist mobility.


Top Doctor for Wrist Arthritis



Prevent unnecessary suffering by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Howard Marans. He will examine you and offer a viable treatment for your specific level of arthritis. Howard Marans MD has helped many patients over several decades experience relief from the symptoms or painful arthritis. He would be happy to meet with you about your case. Click below or call us today. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

Friday, October 30th 2015
jeffanderson3 wrote a journal entry about howard Marans MD on October 30th 2015 at 13:22
What Will it Cost to Visit an Orthopedist in Orange County?


Howard Marans MD – One of the best ways to regain youthful mobility in many areas of the body, visiting an orthopedist can be an excellent method of addressing an array of physical ailments and issues. Indeed, whether the pain is caused by illness, injury, or some other reason, a qualified orthopedist can help. Luckily, for those who reside in Southern California, there is Dr. Howard Marans.


Cost to Visit an Orthopedist in Orange County

He, along with his practice, OC Orthopedic, has a sincere goal of providing professional, pristine treatment to patients of all backgrounds and levels of health, in a timely manner. Specializing in caring for matters related to the knees, wrists, shoulders, and many other common trouble areas, the cost to visit an orthopedist in Orange County is definitely much less than it’s worth. Some of the most commonly treated ailments associated with the aforementioned ligaments are as follows:


·         Tennis Elbow

·         Golfer’s Elbow

·         Fractures

·         Bursitis

·         Ulnar Collateral Ligament Tears

·         Achilles Tendon Tears

·         Bunions

·         Plantar Fasciitis Fractured Ankles

·         Fractured Calcaneus

·         Fractured Toes

·         Sprained Ankles

·         Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

·         Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome

·         Wrist Sprains

·         Finger Fractures

·         Nerve Damage

·         Ligament Tears

·         Meniscus Tears

·         Muscle Tendon Tears

·         Runner’s Knee

·         Impingement

·         Shoulder Instability

·         Rotator Cuff Tears

·         Shoulder Arthroscopy

·         And Much More…


Seasoned in treating an array of ailments and circumstances, visiting a qualified orthopedist such as Dr. Howard Marans can literally be a life-changing experience. The following is an overview of the specialized services offered at the office:


·         Osteoarthritis

·         Post-Traumatic Arthritis

·         Rheumatoid Arthritis

·         Physical Therapy

·         Surgical Treatment for Sports Injuries

·         Prevention of Future Injuries

·         Open Reduction/ Internal Fixation

·         Arthroscopic Surgery


What’s more, the office accepts most insurances, which can drastically lower if not completely eliminate the cost to visit an orthopedist in Orange County. In addition, the office tries to consistently keep costs down in order to accommodate those who may be forced to put off necessary procedures due to financial difficulties.


Despite the fact that the outcomes largely depend on having an accurate diagnosis, and many other factors, the success rate at OC Orthopedist is still consistently high. Furthermore, although they have been in business for over 20 years, OC Orthopedic remains on the cutting edge in terms of new, developing technologies.


Offering an array of services that are sure to get each respective patient back to a much greater level of mobility, visiting OC Orthopedist is the best option for those who may be suffering from any of the previously mentioned ailments or disorders. With a sincere commitment to excellence, Dr. Howard Marans treats each patient like they are a top priority as indeed, they are.


Whether one is searching for a great doctor to assess their issues or are simply looking to have a quick procedure completed, all are welcome at OC Orthopedic. The cost to visit an orthopedist in Orange County varies, so don’t get caught up with inflated costs and hidden fees. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981.

Tuesday, October 27th 2015
jeffanderson3 wrote a journal entry about howard Marans MD on October 27th 2015 at 13:20
Howard Marans MD: What are the Treatment Options for Elbow Bursitis?

Elbow bursitis is caused by inflammation of the bursa. The bursa is a small fluid filled sac which provides lubrication and cushion among tissues and bones. The bursa sac is located at the tip of the elbow, forming a soft lubricating cover when a person extends and bends the elbow. When the sac is swollen or inflamed, the bursa will produce more fluid. The fluid buildup will create pain in the area. People who do repetitive work tend to develop elbow bursitis over time. Treatment options for elbow bursitis can be either surgical or non-surgical.


Symptoms of Elbow Bursitis


Seek the expert opinion of a health care professional to determine if the symptoms are due to elbow bursitis.


·         One of the first symptoms to appear with elbow bursitis is a swollen area at the tip of the elbow. The swelling of the elbow can become painful as the bursa sac begins to stretch.

·         The swelling in the elbow can limit movement.

·         The elbow is stiff feeling, adding to the pain.

·         When the elbow is touched, the extra pressure creates more pain.

·         The swollen bursa sac protrudes out from the elbow tip.

·         The tip of the elbow may become red and warm to the touch. The redness indicates an infection in the bursa sac.


Treatment Options for Elbow Bursitis


The best treatment option should be discussed with an experienced doctor. In the Southern California area, Dr. Howard Marans has had over 20 years of consistent experience in one location. Treatment options for people suffering from elbow bursitis will be determined after collecting an accurate patient history.


Non-surgical Treatments


Elbow bursitis often responds well with non-surgical treatment methods. Surgery is often saved for last after all other options are exhausted.


·         Apply ice packs to the swollen area on the elbow.

·         Restrict movement of the elbow until inflammation subsides. Repetitive movement is often the cause of elbow bursitis flare up. Giving the injured area a rest can help reduce pain and inflammation.

·         Use elbow pads to help protect the inflamed area.

·         Take over-the-counter medication to reduce swelling and help with pain management.

·         Prescribed medications can help decrease the inflamed area.

·         Cortisone injections may be administered to help ease the pain.

·         If the bursa sac is protruding, draining the inflamed area may be an option. The draining can be done through the insertion of a needle in the swollen area.

·         Physical therapy can be assigned to increa


Surgical Treatment


If non-surgical treatment methods do not help to ease the symptoms, surgery may be needed. The surgery involves removing the inflamed bursa. The removal of the bursa sac will allow for a new one to grow and form. While a patient recovers from surgery, a splint will need to be worn. The splint is used as a method to protect the skin around the removal area.



Individualized treatment options for elbow bursitis will be determined by an experienced doctor. In the southern California area, Dr. Howard Marans can give a complete explanation of all the treatments available for elbow bursitis including non-surgical and surgical options. Howard Marans MD welcomes PPO and will work with all other insurance companies to provide the best treatment available. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981.

Thursday, October 22nd 2015
jeffanderson3 wrote a journal entry about dr Howard Marans on October 22nd 2015 at 15:46
Why Dr Howard Marans is One of the Best Orthopedic Surgeons in the City of Orange, CA

When looking for the best orthopedic treatment possible in the Orange County area, look no further than Dr. Howard Marans at Orange County Orthopedic. At Orange County Orthopedic, the mission “is to treat all patients in a professional, timely manner.” Specializing in knees and ankles, wrists, hands, shoulders, and more, Dr. Marans and his dedicated staff are ready to provide the best possible care. So, why is Dr. Marans the best orthopedic surgeons in the city of Orange, California?


His Passionopen


Not only is Dr. Howard Marans dedicated to providing the best possible orthopedic care, he is passionate about his work and his patients. The entire team at Orange County Orthopedic is interested in helping to preserve the patients’ quality of life. “We treat the whole patient by getting to know them as we gather insights and information to help us select an appropriate course of treatment.” As a patient of Howard Marans MD, your interests and goals are a priority. If getting back to participating in the sport you love is your goal, Dr. Marans will help you to achieve that dream.


His Skill


As one of the top-rated and renowned orthopedic surgeons in the city of Orange, CA, Dr. Marans and his staff are equipped with the skills needed to deliver the best in orthopedic care. Using state of the art surgical procedures and equipment, the team is skilled in implementing treatments that are proven to work. Dr. Marans will find the best solution for your orthopedic problems. Dr. Marans is skilled in treating:


·         Arm injuries (forearm, arm, elbow)

·         Foot & ankle problems (pain, swelling, difficulty moving)

·         Hand & wrist issues (carpal tunnel, sprains, fractures)

·         Knee troubles (ACL, runner’s knee, fractures)

·         Shoulder pain (rotator cuff, instability)


His Results


To measure the success of Dr. Marans as an orthopedic surgeon, one need only look at the results of his work. Time and time again, Dr. Marans has proven to be the top orthopedic surgeon in the City of Orange, CA and one of the best in Southern California. Trusted by professional athletes, like world champion cyclist and 2012 Olympic Silver Medalist Sarah Hammer, Dr. Marans delivers superb sports medicine. He has provided treatment for all types of joint pain and orthopedic injuries, from arthritis to severe fractures.


Best Orthopedic Surgeon – City of Orange, CA



Dedicated to helping patients return to their daily activities and improve their quality of life, Dr. Marans is committed to providing timely care in a professional and welcoming environment. With a strong passion for his work, he has the skills needed to perform the best orthopedic surgery. The proven results of his past patients and surgery success give testimony to the fact that Dr. Marans is one of the best orthopedic surgeons in California. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981.

Tuesday, October 20th 2015
jeffanderson3 wrote a journal entry about dr Howard Marans on October 20th 2015 at 13:31
Dr Howard Marans: The Top ACL Surgery Options for Your Knee Injury

A tear, rip, or sprain in the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a common knee injury, especially among athletes. Playing soccer or football can put a high demand on the knees, which makes the joint more susceptible to injury. The quick change of direction or colliding with another player can be one of the leading causes of damage. The top ACL surgery options will depend on the degree of damage to the knee.


Examination of the Injured Kneeknee


Before the doctor can determine the top ACL surgery options, an examination and consultation will need to take place. The surgeon will begin by discussing the symptoms related to the injury.


·         The inability to walk in a normal comfortable manner

·         Swelling around the knee that does not reduce within 24 hours

·         Pain with loss of full range of motion in the knee area

·         Tenderness of the injured area may even be painful to the touch


After discussing the symptoms, the doctor will order some tests to aid in making an accurate diagnosis.


·         The doctor will begin by examining the knee. An expert orthopedic surgeon can provide a diagnosis with a thorough knee examination.

·         X-rays will help rule out any broken or fractured bones surrounding the knee joint. If the injury is due to a broken bone, the surgeon will need to focus on repairing both areas.

·         MRI scan will be ordered. The MRI will give an accurate reading on the torn ACL.


Torn ligaments require surgery to heal properly. Non-surgical options are usually not recommended. In some cases, wearing a brace and attending physical therapy can help in regaining range of motion in the knee.


Top ACL Surgery Options


·         The surgery will consist of rebuilding the torn or damaged ligament. The optimal outcome for ACL surgery is to get the patient back to normal activities in the shortest amount of time. In most cases one of three grafts is used to reconstruct the ACL:

·         Patellar tendon graft is the most common type of replacement for the ACL repairs. The graft usually requires less of a recovery time. However, the incision to repair the ACL will be longer, leaving a noticeable scar.

·         Hamstring graft may require more recovery time before returning to full running activities. The hamstring graft is more flexible, allowing the athlete to return to sports after four months of recovery and successful physical therapy.

·         Allograft is used when adults have other joint related problems not associated with playing sports. An arthritic or diseased joint can be repaired with this option. The surgery is done through small incisions, which is less invasive.


The repairing and reconstruction of the ACL can help return an athlete back to their sport or simply allow a person return to normal daily activities. In either situation, the top ACL surgery options will be determined by the doctor.



The orthopedic surgeon will need to assess the damage to obtain a clear, accurate diagnosis. Dr. Howard Marans has over twenty years of experience in the same location. Howard Marans MD has successfully treated many patients, including professional athletes, over the years with a variety of different orthopedic conditions. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981.

Monday, October 19th 2015
jeffanderson3 wrote a journal entry about howard Marans MD on October 19th 2015 at 15:50
Howard Marans MD: How to Schedule a Consultation With a Top Orthopedic Surgeon

Making an appointment for a consultation with orthopedic surgeon may be the first step in resuming normal daily activities without pain. As a sufferer of an injury, trauma or degenerative disorder, finding pain relief is a priority in regaining range of motion in the affected area. It may be that the previous non-surgical approach may no longer help in battling the pain, or that the condition has slowly progressed into the need for surgery.


Scheduling a consultation with  an orthopedic surgeon is easier than ever with the use of the Internet. A potential patient can call directly, email or fill out a contact form on the surgeon’s website. The different options are available to provide easy access to the orthopedic surgeon.


Making the Consultation


·         Ask the primary care physician for a referral appointment or a consultation with an orthopedic surgeon. In some situations, the primary care physician’s office will call the orthopedic surgeon’s office directly to make arrangements for the consultation. The prearrangement is beneficial to the patient, all medical records can be sent directly. Depending on the insurance coverage, a consultation may only be covered after the primary care giver makes the referral.


·         Insurance coverage is one of the most critical aspects to consider when making a consultation with an orthopedic surgeon. With most PPO’s, a potential patient needs to check to see if the orthopedic surgeon is on the preferred provider’s list. After receiving confirmation of being in the insurance provider’s network, a consultation with an orthopedic surgeon can be done.


·         With some insurance companies, pre-authorization may be required before going to a consultation appointment.


·         When talking to the orthopedic surgeon’s office, ask about co-pays, deductibles, and out of pocket costs associated with the consultation with the orthopedic surgeon.


·         Discuss payment options, including credit card, cash, check, and debit card payments. As a potential patient, finding a way to pay for surgery without causing hardship should be arranged.



The Consultation Appointment


·         When meeting with the orthopedic surgeon for the first time, arrive at the office early. The courteous staff will want paperwork filled out prior to going into the patient waiting room.


·         Bring identification to verify patient’s name and address.


·         Bring insurance card to help figure out the amount of coverage, out of pocket costs, co-pays, and deductibles.


·         Bring copies of physical therapy sessions or write down all non-surgical approaches used in the past.


·         If available, bring x-ray or MRI results from the primary care physician.


·         Make a list of questions or concerns to discuss with the surgeon. By preparing a list ahead of time, all aspects of potential surgery can be discussed until the patient feels comfortable with the procedure.


Consultation with a Top Orthopedic Surgeon



Scheduling a consultation with a top orthopedic surgeon may be the first step towards a healthier lifestyle. Dr. Howard Marans, a leading specialist will in the field, will assess the injuries during the consultation to plan the best treatment program or surgery for an optimal outcome. Dr. Marans accepts PPO and will work with all other insurance companies to provide the patient with best care to return to a normal, pain free lifestyle. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981.

Saturday, October 10th 2015
jeffanderson3 wrote a journal entry about open Reduction / Internal Fixation by Dr Howard Marans MD on October 10th 2015

Internal fixation is a procedure in which a device is attached to a bone to stabilize it and help it heal. Internal fixation is highly effective at aligning bones and promoting healing. Pins, plates, screws, and rods can all be used to fixate a bone internally.


How it Works


During internal fixation, the patient is taken into the operating room and the area that will be operated on is sterilized. The doctor makes an incision above the bone. Once the bone is accessed, the first step is to place the bone in its natural position (open reduction). Then, the bone is stabilized and kept in that position through the use of special implants.


Implants that can be used in internal fixation include:


*Plates – Internal splints that are connected to the bone with screws. Plates are often left in place after healing is complete.



*Screws – Screws can be used along or in conjunction with other implants. Screws may either be left in place or removed after healing.



*Rods – Rods are inserted through the hollow center of a bone, typically a bone with marrow in the center, especially shinbone and thighbone fractures. Rods are secured with screws at the top and bottom, to prevent the bone from shortening or rotating. Rods may be left in or removed after healing.



*Pins – Used to treat bones that are to small for screws. Pins are usually removed after healing.


There is typically a hospital stay of 1-7 days after an internal fixation. This varies on the type of fracture and age/health of the patient.


When It’s Necessary


Simple fractures in which the bone is cracked but stays in place can often heal without surgery, simply by casting and immobilizing the bone. However, in cases where the bone is fractured in many places or where the pieces of the bone separate significantly, internal fixation may be required.


Fractures are usually immediately apparent after they occur, and internal fixation is usually performed on an emergency basis, as soon as medical imaging confirms that the nature of the fracture requires open reduction and internal fixation.


Prompt Treatment of Fractures is Essential


The importance of prompt treatment for fractures cannot be overstated. If a fracture is suspected, it is always best to seek medical treatment. Signs of fractures include severe pain, visible or palpable bumps on the bone, and an inability to move a joint.


Without prompt treatment, a number of significant complications can occur due to a fracture. Examples include:


*Compartment syndrome – A life-threatening and limb-threatening condition in which pressure in a muscle compartment builds up to dangerous levels. Compartment syndrome is an emergency that requires surgery. It can occur even with prompt treatment, but prompt treatment is essential to prevention and treatment.



*Nonunion – Nonunion occurs when the bone fails to heal at all.



*Malunion – Malunion occurs when the bone heals in a misaligned manner. For example, bones that are not properly set may heal shortened or crooked. It is much harder to treat nonunion and malunion than to treat the fracture when it initially occurs.



*Nerve damage – If the bone moves so that it presses against surrounding structures, it may press against the nerves. If not treated promptly, nerve damage may occur.



*Infection – Infection can occur in the bone, especially if the bone pokes through the skin. Without prompt treatment, the bone and surrounding area are vulnerable to infection.


If you have symptoms of a fracture, you should call your doctor or visit the emergency room immediately.



Want to know Arthroscopic Surgery by Dr Howard Marans MD?

Tuesday, October 6th 2015
jeffanderson3 wrote a journal entry about our Specialties by Dr. Howard Marans on October 6th 2015

Our Specialties


As a leading whole orthopedic care provider, OC Orthopedic specialists consider each patient unique and work with them to understand their special needs and concerns. We treat the whole patient by getting to know them as we gather insights and information to help us select an appropriate course of treatment.

·         Arm

·         Foot & Ankle

·         Hand & Wrist

·         Knee

·         Shoulder Surgery



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