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Monday, April 11th 2016
mctchnron wrote a journal entry about axia Consultants - Impartial Software Shortlisting on February 11th 2013

Get a personalised short list of software systems and ...


Save time. Shortcut the slow, complex process of software selection and jump straight to a shortlist of the most suitable software for your organisation. Based on your key requirements, we identify the most suitable software systems and shortlist these for you to use in your detailed system selection process or to investigate further.


Free up your internal resources. The demands of software selection can be high on internal resources, especially when they have their normal work to do. By working with Axia, you can use our expertise and knowledge and enable your staff to carry on with their core responsibilities.


Receive genuinely impartial advice. As we are completely independent of software vendors.


Maintain your confidentiality. You and your organisation may remain anonymous to software vendors - until such time as you wish. You are therefore protected from potential phone calls, emails, sales pressure and lost time in dealing with these intrusions.



Quickly. We respond rapidly, to fit in with your time scales.


All at a fixed price. We offer fixed-price quotes prior to undertaking software shortlisting / selection work.


Axia’s impartial software shortlisting service quickly identifies potentially suitable software systems, based on your key requirements. It is suitable for UK based organisations - which need to select new Accounting, Payroll, HR and associated software systems.


The process is tailored to your specific needs and includes some or all of the following:


·        Understanding your system / software requirements (which may be as you have documented or based on our System Requirements RFI/RFP Templates) and discussing with you key points / issues


·        Identifying potential systems / software from within our database and externally


·        Contacting vendors, to ensure they are interested / wish to be involved, and to confirm that their latest software can meet your requirements


·        Analysing vendor / software details and responses


·        Establishing a short list


·        Preparing a brief report for you covering: shortlisted vendors / software which most closely meet your requirements, other vendors / software which partly meet your requirements (which may be worth considering), key software systems details, vendor contact details.


The report is ‘free standing’ ie enabling you to proceed with the findings on your own, in your detailed selection process or to investigate further.


All work is undertaken at our offices, with client contact / support by email, telephone and mail.


If you wish to discuss your project or how our shortlisting service may help you, please phone us on 01634 868894, or email us at




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