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Tuesday, November 28th 2017
kachiwaze wrote a journal entry about devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants Review: Tee Wall Art yksi ensisijaisista tavoitteista on November 28th 2017

Tee Wall Art yksi ensisijaisista tavoitteista suunnittelussa kotiisi


Operaattorin Wall Art on usein viimeinen valinta monille tekee niiden sisustus, mutta tama viesti, Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants nimet Wall Art yhdeksi paino pisteista. Tassa muutamia hyvia ajatuksia valita seinan taidetta, joka voi sopivaksi nykyinen tila ja antaa enemman harmoninen tunne talosi:


Ensinnakin, valitse seinan taidetta, etta rakastat ja on todellinen arvostusta sille, ja etta taide teos voisi olla kannustin maaritettaessa oman huoneen vari paletti. Tietaen vari paletti oman sisustus usein vie paljon aikaa, koska sinulla on vaikea paattaa, joten jotain saada vari paletti, asiat sitten saada helpommin. Valitse vahintaan kaksi tai kolme savyja seinan taidetta ja valitse hallitseva vari ja muut savyt, jotka haluat tehda niin aksentteja.


Laita kohteet huoneeseesi, jotka vastaavat naita vareja. Voit kayttaa mobiilisovellusta, jonka avulla voit tunnistaa vastaavat vari savyt tiettyihin vareihin. Ja jos etsit enemman ammatillista lahestymistapaa, ota hyva taide konsultti kuten Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants.


Toiseksi, seina taide voi tayttaa aseman "keskeinen kohta" on huone. Kun kirjoitat huoneen, siella on elementti, joka vetaa sinut sen lasnaolo, ja seinan taidetta voi olla, etta suunnittelu elementti. Se voi olla paapaino koko huoneen tai valtava tila. Mutta muistakaa sen koko on myös valtava merkitys, ja jos se on liian iso tai liian pieni, se ei ehka tuo hyva tunne kavijöita, joten sinun on maaritettava oikeat mitta ukset ensin.


Kolmanneksi, seina taide voi tuoda esiin tunnetta tekstuurin. Voit myös laittaa erilaisia taiteen auttaa tarjoamaan erilaisia tunnetta tekstuurin erityisesti tilaa. Jotta on enemman syvyytta huoneeseen, harkitse veistoksia tai varjo laatikot teidan sisustus. Voit olla varma enemman visuaalinen paino teidan sisatilat kanssa ylimaaraisia bittia tekstuuri.


Lopuksi, asettaa seinaan taidetta voi myös tarjota tunteen loppuun. Tama taide teos voi vetaa tilaa yhdessa ja tehda se tuntuu taydellinen. Valitse seina taidetta, joka voisi sekoittaa kauniisti valitsemasi koristelu tyyli oman sisustus.



Ottaa mahdollisuus sisustaa huone antaa jannittava tunne, mutta sinun on parasta muistaa, etta edella, etta ennakointi, sinun ei pitaisi unohtaa hyva rooli seinan taidetta voi antaa. Jos oikein tehty, seina vaatteita voi tuoda hyvia puitteita talosi, ja kuten aiemmin mainittiin, se voi olla Keski piste suunnittelussa muun elementit voidaan kayttaa huoneessa. Taide on niin hyva aihe, keskustella taiteen ajatuksia Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants ja kerata enemman asiantuntija-apua.

Monday, November 6th 2017
kachiwaze wrote a journal entry about devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants Review: Basic tips on choosing a good art consulting service on November 6th 2017

To begin, here’s a quote that has been familiar to a lot of people for quite some time, and it goes like this: “The ‘earth’ without ‘art’ is just ‘eh.’” Though it gives a little bit of humor, it signifies the truth. Art gives us a lot of meaning and it doesn’t have to be beautiful to be appreciated. But being involved in the business of art requires careful actions and thought.


Engaging with art often needs the expertise of a professional art consulting service to ensure more beneficial and positive results. Seek the service that is similar with Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants to greatly help you in your art venture. You would not have much problem in buying or selling an artwork for example if you have an art consultant besides you.


Each of us has different needs, so it might be hard to find someone who could provide all your individual demands. But with a careful research and selection, you could find the art consultant you need. The following are some basic tips to help you find and choose the best art consulting service for your interests.


Conduct a thorough research


You can search by foot or simply use the internet. And to make things easier, you can discuss this with your friends, relatives or neighbors who have acquired the service of an art consultant. With such, you could gain honest recommendations and could even list the ones that you should avoid.


Select the one who understands


The business that involves art is still a business but always remember that to get the results you’re seeking for, you need to work with someone who really understands you. This way, you can discuss with the consultant all your concerns and preferences with nothing holding you back. Similar to the service of Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants, you should choose the one that has a wide understanding and could be flexible in dealing with the differences of each client. Keep in mind that a qualified art consultant service could do such thing with their many years of experience handling a lot of people in the past.


Take into account your budget


Getting the service of an art consultant might be a bit costly, so you need to make sure that you could afford the service of one with your set budget. Choose the one that you can afford and has agreed to your terms including your budget.


Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants puts a huge importance on the relationship between the client and the consultant. Both sides should have a mutual understanding to end up with a valuable outcome. It might take you a lot of effort in the beginning, but if you carefully choose the one you’ll be working with, everything will go on smoothly in the end.



Monday, August 7th 2017
kachiwaze wrote a journal entry about phil Devin Consultants: Op zoek naar een perfecte huis gemaakt gemakkelijk on August 7th 2017

Phil Devin Real Estate kunnen van groot nut zijn als u op zoek bent naar een goede verblijfplaats in Australië, en haar service voor onroerend goed heeft opgedaan veel goede feedback en reviews van andere mensen, dus dat het is een van de meest betrouwbare agentschappen in het gebied. Het is ook een groot deel van de vele vervuld vastgoed behoeften van verschillende mensen. Phil beschreef het als een "kleine-boutique type agentschap omgeving", die doelstellingen om een betere dienstverlening en betere resultaten aan elke client.


Phil Devin ontwikkeld een betrouwbare kennis over onroerend goed uit zijn jarenlange dienst. Met zijn vaardigheden is er een garantie dat u krijgt de service en de resultaten die u verdient. U kunt ook er zeker van een positief resultaat met Phil, het verzorgen van uw onroerend goed zorg.


Haar officiële site biedt vele mooie huizen voor verkoop of voor veiling. In dit artikel gaan we bespreken een aantal van deze eigenschappen in het geval u op zoek bent voor sommige. Om te beginnen met, één eigenschap ligt in Loganholme en is beschreven als een goede investeringskans omdat kunt u er zeker van uw investering terug met haar lange termijn huurder reeds op zijn plaats.


Een twee verdiepingen tellend huis, aan de andere kant, is gelegen in Daisy Hill. Het heeft een verfrissende verf die u een rustig gevoel kon geven en wordt geplaatst in een goede vlek zo goed. Uw familie zal zeker vinden de eigenschap handig met de afmetingen en de eigenschappen. Het is in de buurt van goede scholen, dus u hoeft niet alle problemen met de school van uw kinderen. U kunt ook bereiken de snelweg met slechts een klein eindje rijden.


Er is ook een eigenschap die kan overeenkomen met de behoeften van een gezin en ligt in Holland Park. Het biedt een rustige omgeving en heeft een goede ruimte. Een twee verdiepingen tellend huis in Hope Island kan ook vangen uw interesse met haar trots en hoge plafonds en een glas omheind zwembad. De woonkamer is perfect voor familie lijmen want het biedt een enorme ruimte. Als u verkiest om te leven in Holland Park West, misschien een eigenschap van de nieuw-gebouwde-look aan uw eigen stijl. Het is onlangs gerenoveerd en heeft een lage lopende onderhoud en lage rechtspersoon vergoedingen.


De officiële website van Phil Devin Consultants biedt veel gemak aan haar klanten sinds alle woningen die beschikbaar zijn voor verkoop / voor veiling, en eigenschappen die zijn verkocht, zijn alle goed weergegeven op de site.


Bovendien, het biedt ook gemakkelijk toegang in de aanvraag voor een beoordeling, op zoek naar een beschikbare woning te huur, onderhoud aanvragen en indienen van de aanvraag van een huurovereenkomst. Neem contact op met Phil vandaag, zodat u ook van de goede vastgoed service van Phil Devin Real Estate Consultants genieten kunt.




Spreken aan iedereen die heeft ervaren het proces van het kopen of verkopen van onroerend goed en vaak hun bevindingen zijn een combinatie van stress, teleurstelling en uiteindelijk compromis! Een van mijn vele doelen is om ervoor te zorgen dat je volgende zet is positief.


Ik begon Phil Devin onroerend goed met een eenvoudige missie: "om resultaten te leveren die onze klanten te overtreffen".


Wat betekent dit voor u?


-Ik weet u bezig en ik heb respect voor uw tijd. Wanneer wij Stel een afspraak en ik zal er zijn.


-Als ik zeg dat iets kan worden gedaan... kunt u rekenen op het.


-Ik probeer niet om mensen sneeuw of informatie verbergen. Ik ben al over openbaarmaking.


-Ik ben er niet in voor elk één transactie - I 'm in it voor de lange termijn... de levenslange relaties.


-Dat betekent dat ik werken zal om het resultaat te krijgen die u verdient.


Uiteindelijk wanneer u kopen of met mij verkopen, komt het neer op uw beslissing, wat voor u juist is. Mijn doel is om ervoor te zorgen heb je genoeg informatie om een beslissing te nemen u tevreden kan zijn met van de baan. Wanneer u kiest voor me kunt kopen of verkopen van uw huis kunt u rekenen op inspelen, kwaliteit, uitgebreide en persoonlijke service.


"Teleurstelling is het verschil tussen wat een klant verwacht en wat de Agent levert"


Ik weet dat mijn cliënten zijn verlangen om te gaan met een 'professional', die kan 'luisteren' naar hun individuele wensen en behoeften en oplossingen bieden voor hen!


Phil Devin is dat professionele!

Wednesday, July 19th 2017
kachiwaze wrote a journal entry about cathay Dupont Award on the imperative principle of 4-H on July 19th 2017

4-H can be described as a movement that teaches the youth on how to be leaders and act one. For many decades, it has been dedicated to its purpose of “engaging youth to reach their fullest potential while advancing the field of youth development”. The adults are in charge of giving the youth practical, fun, and informative opportunities.


The four H that is included in the name of “4-H” stands for head, heart, hands, and health, which are the four personal development areas of the organization. It signifies “head to clearer thinking”, “heart to greater loyalty”, “hands for larger service”, and “health to better living”.


We can’t deny the massive growth in our population nowadays, and according to a recent report, there are currently 7 billion people in the world. Imagine billions of people living in one lone planet. Of course, we needed enough food for everyone, and that is the huge problem we are facing these days. In 2050, the population is expected to become 9 or 10 billion. This time, we have to double the food production so that everyone could have their share, but the resources would be very limited.


A lot of researchers and experts are finding ways to solve such challenge and they came up with one, and it involves the humble country of Africa. It has 60% of the uncultivated land in the world. However, its young people don’t see agriculture as a promising future. But with 4-H, things started to take a slow change. 4-H teaches them the great importance of agriculture and because of different project clubs, community clubs, afterschool programs, camps, workshop, and events initiated by their local communities the youth are becoming more interested in agriculture.


Learning about the whole food business can be of great help to the youth. It does give different opportunities that could change the livelihood of many people. Young people can learn better ways on how to farm and eventually, ways to earn more income. Adults are also training them on how to use the proper tools and how to plant the right seeds using a scientific approach.


The youth now considers agriculture as a way to build wealth and improve their livelihood, Cathay Dupont Award noted. And because young people are taking care of their land because of 4-H’s influence, then farmers also see this as an opportunity to earn more money. It is not only the children that are seeing the change 4-H brought to their community but their parents as well. According to some of them, as they are watching their children produce food and feeding themselves, they are also seeing its good influence in their local community.


Teaching people about agribusiness and why it is essential could improve its production and distribution. If every child and adult in Africa will work together to improve their agriculture, then their country will surely flourish. Grown-ups in Africa also have high hopes for their young people because they believe the children could transform their country and their older generations for the better. And soon will solve its food problems and the world’s.


DuPont has also been supporting the global 4-H initiative and recently, the company invested 2 million dollars to help build leadership institutes in five African countries. With this, adults will be trained very well to give proper guidance to the youth. The company, along with Cathay Dupont Award, wanted the youth to be equipped with abundant knowledge through 4-H to be able to face the challenges of the future with a strong mind.


Cathay Dupont Award also found out 4-H influenced different families around the world and according to many, they are able to reach success and learn a lot of things because of its valuable principles. They are enthusiastic to teach its significance to young people as well because they are the ones who will be feeding the world tomorrow and will also be the future leaders.



During its early stages, 4-H seemed to be focusing only on agriculture, but nowadays; it also centers on citizenship, healthy living, science, engineering, and technology programs.

Friday, June 16th 2017
kachiwaze wrote a journal entry about tokyo MK Taxi: Benefits of Choosing Our Service on June 16th 2017

Many people nowadays are opting for private airport transfers due to so many benefits.  Of course, you have plenty of options whether you are flying into or out of the city or just looking for a way to get around town. You can either drive yourself using a rented car or you can wait in a long line for a taxi. However, none of those options are hassle-free. Consider the many benefits of private airport transfers that you might be unaware of.


Fuel cost


When hiring an airport transfer service, you don’t need to worry about the fuel cost, car rental and other similar cost.


No waiting in queues for taxis


With airport transfer service, you don’t have to worry about waiting as they are the ones who will wait patiently for your arrival so you could arrive at your hotel or destination on time.


You have an experienced driver


What is good in hiring airport transfers is that their chauffeurs are trained and with experience in driving. They know everything there is possibly need to know about road signs and traffics. He will surely drive to drop you safely at your destination.


No too much paper works


There are no lengthy paper works that take your time. Paper works are often needed when hiring a car and this may take a few minutes or hours depending on the circumstances. With airport transfer, you can step inside the car as soon as you land to the airport.


You can rest and relax from the back seat


Of course, after a long flight, you would want to sit back, relax and not bother yourself worrying about driving to get to your destination. This is why it is wise to hire an airport transfer and make yourself relax in the back seat while your personal chauffeur is driving you to your destination.


No issue when it comes to interaction


When visiting a new place, language can be a major problem. When it comes to this, airport transfer chauffeurs can act as your life saver because they can act as translator for you. They are usually trained to speak in English to be able to effectively communicate with the passenger and get them to where they want to be.



The number priority of chauffeurs is to let you arrive to your destination safely. Tokyo MK Taxi, a leading providing of airport transfer service in Japan will make sure that you receive the best possible customer service and a hassle free transfers to and from the airport. Tokyo MK Taxi features Lexus group enthusiasts’ luxurious fleet to give you the sophistication, comfort, efficiency and reliability you deserve.

Sunday, March 12th 2017
kachiwaze wrote a journal entry about galveston Capital Tourism and Marketing Review- Spring Migration is Happening Now! on March 12th 2017
galveston, capital tourism and marketing review, texas, jakarta, singapore, island hotels

Grab your camera. Spring Migration is Happening Now!


Spring is in the air! That means hundreds of migrating birds are heading north across the Gulf from Central and South America and Galveston is one of their first stops.


If you're a bird-watcher or nature photographer, you may already know that the Galveston Feather Fest Birding and Nature Photo Festival is coming up April 6-9. Leading up to the festival, photographers are invited to submit images of wild birds taken in Galveston and surrounding counties. Contest details are here.


The winners each week will be announced on Wednesdays and posted here.


For a little inspiration, the nice folks at Galveston Nature Tourism Council allowed us to assemble this slide show of winners from the 2016 contest.


Be sure to mark your calendar for April 6-9 for the Galveston Birding and Nature Photo Festival and head down to the island.  You are sure to learn something and see some really cool birds!


If you want to participate in any of the trips or workshops, be sure to register early. Many of the events sell out well in advance.


Experience this “causeway cure” where flip-flops replace dress shoes and the scenery at Galveston Capital Tourism and Marketing Review Singapore Texas, Jakarta, Singapore.


Join a group thrilled you have decided to explore Galveston Island.

Friday, March 10th 2017
kachiwaze wrote a journal entry about galveston Capital Tourism and Marketing Review- Feather Fest Takes Wing This April on March 10th 2017
galveston, capital tourism and marketing review, texas, jakarta, singapore, island hotels

The upper Texas coast transforms into a massive avian frat house this time of year, with countless birds winging northward across the Gulf of Mexico from their Central and South American winter bungalows. That probably helps to explain why birders, nature photographers and naturalists outnumber sun worshipers on Galveston during the spring.

It’s also the reason why the FeatherFest Birding & Nature Festival, scheduled for April 6-9 and celebrating its 15th anniversary, has grown into one of the preeminent events of its kind in North America. Presented by the Galveston Island Nature Tourism Council, FeatherFest regularly attracts nature lovers from around the state and the nation intent on two things: spotting as many varieties of migratory birds as they can and soaking up the camaraderie of hanging out with hundreds of like-minded outdoorsy folks.

Feather Fest combines classroom workshops and films with real world field trips that take participants ranging from casual birders to professional nature photographers to some of the prime birding locations around the island. Participants spotted nearly 300 different types of birds at last year’s event, ranging from regular visitors like the Great Blue Heron, Brown Pelican and the Common Loon—no, we’re not talking about your weird Uncle Pete—to rare and elusive specimens like the Hudsonian Godwit and the Buffle Head.

Don’t think that you have to be a lifelong birder or naturalist to have a good time during the festival. Organizers work to group participants based on their photographic or naturalist skills, while the cost of individual workshops and field trips, all of which are led by expert birding and photography pros, varies.

But all birding and no play makes for a … well … happy naturalist, but there are also several social events on the agenda, including the always popular Raptors Uncorked (April 8), which allows you to enjoy an evening of aviary photo ops and a great meal at the Olympia Grill at Pier 21. You don’t want to miss The Big Year With Greg Miller (April 7), a free event with renowned birder Greg Miller, portrayed by Jack Black in the 2011 film “The Big Year.” He’ll provide comments and answer questions following a screening of the movie that is to birders what “Titanic” is to cinema buffs.

The Feather Fest Photo fest gives you the chance to pit your photographic skills against some of the best nature photographers in the area, while Hawker’s Alley and Avian Alley are home to numerous nature-related vendors.

The campus of UTMB’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in the Island Community Center (4700 Broadway) serves as the festival headquarters.

Experience this “causeway cure” where flip-flops replace dress shoes and the scenery at Galveston Capital Tourism and Marketing Review Singapore Texas, Jakarta, Singapore.

Join a group thrilled you have decided to explore Galveston Island.

Tuesday, February 21st 2017
kachiwaze wrote a journal entry about careconnect Health Insurance Group Review: 5 Numbers for the 4th of July on February 21st 2017

Happy birthday to our nation! Here’s to celebrating with barbecues, the great outdoors, fireworks and friends!


And yet -- not to rain on your parade, snuff your sparklers or put a cramp in your cookout – we want to share a word to the wise: Besides being our national birthday, the Fourth has also been called the most dangerous holiday of the year. Do have fun! Just take a look at these numbers and adjust accordingly in order to keep your family safe, sound and happy.




Hand-held sparklers burn at approximately 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the Consumer Products Safety Commission – as hot as a blowtorch. Always supervise any fireworks activities closely, including those that “just” feature sparklers.




Independence Day is the deadliest day of the year for motor vehicle crashes, says the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, with 118 lives lost each year, on average. A life-saving move: making sure that everyone in the car buckles up on every trip. According to estimates by the National Safety Council, if everyone used their seat belt at all times, 181 lives could be saved over the three-day weekend.


1 in 5


Newsflash: Your dog would not enjoy watching the local fireworks display. When a pet goes missing, loud noises like fireworks and thunderstorms are responsible nearly 20 percent of the time, reports the ASCPA. Make sure your pooch is kept securely indoors or on a leash throughout the night.




Don’t let mosquitoes ruin your picnic or barbecue – consider wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants, and use an EPA-registered insect repellant, says the CDC. Consumer Reports tests show that repellants containing 30 percent DEET provide just as much eight-hour anti-mosquito protection as stronger formulas, but are less likely to cause side effects like rashes or even seizures. (Used as directed, the CDC says, an EPA-registered repellant is safe during pregnancy. Don’t use repellant on babies younger than 2 months old.).





A 2014 British study found that the average barbecue-goer eats and drinks about 1,800 calories at a backyard cookout. To avoid developing a barbecue bulge, fill half your plate with fruits and veggies.

Thursday, February 9th 2017
kachiwaze wrote a journal entry about investment Tips: Learning How to Invest on February 9th 2017

What is investing all about? How do you start?


If you have decided to enter the world of investing, learning how to invest must now dominate your time and focus. Two steps will help you on your way.


Defining investing


In essence, investing involves spending your time, effort and resources to attain a higher objective. For instance, you spend weekends with a social group to do charitable work, use your talent in the arts to create works of beauty and value or apply your profession in your job or your business to earn a living. In the same way that you do these things hoping to gain valuable rewards, you likewise invest your money in a bond, mutual fund or stock, just be careful of investment scams online, but with the goal of achieving material benefits in the future.


Eradicate your debts now


Now that you are eager to go ahead and start investing once you learn how to, you certainly would want to know the next step. But rein in your enthusiasm for a while. Hold your horses while you check if you are really ready to take the ride of your life in investing. Now that you see the possibilities opened to you through the magic of compounded returns, you have to protect yourself from the same trap which you could be unwittingly locked in. Do away with high-interest debts that you may have at the present.


Reward yourself first of all


To succeed as an investor, you must make investing an integral part of every day. That may sound difficult or tedious; but not really. You must realize that the act of buying something, say a cappuccino, will influence your daily finances as much as acquiring a home-equity loan to cover your credit-card payments.


Active and passive methods of investing


There are two primary methods of stock investing: active and passive management; and they differ on how stocks are chosen, not on how you choose your verbs. Active investing involves selecting stocks yourself or you can ask your brokers or fund managers to pick the stocks, bonds, and other forms of investments. Passive investing requires you to let your holdings follow an index which a third party makes.


Speculating versus investing


Perhaps, you may have heard of a close friend who struck it rich with options. Or you may have had moments of lucky streaks in the past where you won a sizeable amount of cash from a raffle or lottery. Why should you then enter into a long and slow process of investing your money which can only bring you a double-digit gain and not bundles of cash right away? Investing demands years of patience before you can finally reap the good harvest. What if you cannot wait that long?


Planning and setting objectives


Investing is a long-term process, like planning a long vacation. Ask yourself these questions before you embark on this endeavor:


• What is your destination? (What financial goals do you have?)

• How long is your vacation? (What is your time frame in investing?)

• What should you bring along? (What investments forms will you choose?)

• How much gas do you need to use? (How much will you invest to achieve your goals? How much can you invest a regular plan?)

• Do you have stopovers on the way? (What short-term financial expenses do you have?)

• How long is your vacation? (Will you have to retire using your investment?)

• If you run out of gas because you frequently stop to rest and drive through the night, you are bound to spoil your vacation. So it is if you do not save enough money, if you invest haphazardly or fail to invest at all.


How stock trading works


Now that you have set your finances in order and you have also established definite financial objectives, you are now ready to learn how to begin investing. With mutual funds, the procedure is quite easy: Call the fund company and request them to open an account for you. Dealing with stocks can be a more challenging endeavor.


The dangers of margin


Through a brokerage account, you can choose between a cash account or a margin account. A cash account allows you trade using available money you are willing to invest. A margin account allows you to buy stocks using other people’s money – which you borrow. Margin accounts can be attractive for obvious reasons; however, the risks can be significant.




Now that you have gained enough background information on how to start investing in stocks, as well as what your financial goals are, how much money you will need to invest, how long it will take to recover your investment, the next move is to begin considering where to invest and the kind of potential gain you hope to make.



You can get more info from our newsletter services which we offer free for one month. Our contributors may have diverse views on many issues; but this fact helps to provide you with a wide selection of insights and perspectives on how to succeed in investing. We have a disclosure policy which allows us to be fully transparent in all transactions.

Friday, February 3rd 2017
kachiwaze wrote a journal entry about careconnect Health Insurance Group Review: Hay Fever by the Numbers on February 3rd 2017

Ah, spring! Warm breezes, chirping birds, blooming trees – and sniffling, congestion and all-around misery. Spring allergies, AKA hay fever, AKA allergic rhinitis, can last for weeks or even months, says Sherry Farzan, MD, an allergist at Long Island Jewish Medical Center and North Shore University Hospital. But paying attention to a few critical numbers may help you find a little relief.


2 weeks


If you experience symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, and red, watery eyes for more than two weeks, it’s a good bet you have allergies, not a cold -- see your doctor. (On the other hand, a fever suggests that a cold is to blame.)


20 million


In the United States, nearly 20 million adults and more than 6 million children have hay fever. If you suffer in the springtime, you’re probably sensitive to pollen or mold spores. An allergist can do a skin or blood test to identify your individual triggers.


5 degrees


This past winter broke records in the United States, with temperatures averaging nearly 5 degrees above the 20th-century average. Warmer winters mean earlier, longer and more severe allergy seasons, experts say.


5 to 10 a.m.


Pollen levels are usually highest between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m., so try to stay indoors during those hours, with the windows closed. If you have to go out, wear a hat and sunglasses to shield yourself from pollen, Farzan says.


3 to 4 days


An over-the-counter nasal decongestant can relieve stuffiness in a pinch, but if you use it for more than three or four days in a row, it can cause a rebound effect that makes your nose even more congested. If you need longer-term relief, an allergist can prescribe you something that won’t backfire.


90 percent



Allergy shots, also called immunotherapy, can reduce symptoms in 90 percent of people with seasonal allergies, Farzan says. You’ll need them weekly at first -- but eventually, once a month will do the trick.

Wednesday, January 18th 2017
kachiwaze wrote a journal entry about online Security: Dumb WhatsApp Scam Spreads Malware - Beware on January 18th 2017

Dumb WhatsApp Scam Spreads Malware, Touting 'Free Internet' Without Wi-Fi: Beware


A pretty dumb WhatsApp scam is making rounds in chain mail form, promising "free internet" without Wi-Fi on an invite-only basis.


First of all, the scam is quite dumb to begin with because the only way to use WhatsApp without Wi-Fi is to have a cellular data connection and WhatsApp cannot offer data - it's just an app, not a provider.


Secondly, the scam is spreading because it prompts victims to forward the message to 13 friends or five groups on WhatsApp to activate the "free internet."


How It Works


"As usual, the message spreads via WhatsApp groups or comes from a friend who 'recommends' the service - often unaware of it. In this case, you receive a special invitation with a link," explains the WeLiveSecurity blog of antivirus and security firm ESET.


"You can already get Internet Free Without WI-FI with Whatsapp, and it is by means of invitations, here I give you an invitation," reads the poorly written message.


Upon clicking on the included link, users are taken to a website mimicking the WhatsApp domain. It detects the device's language based on the browser settings and invites users to pass along the invitation to more people, ensuring that the scam keeps spreading.


The message also shows fake reviews from fake users, claiming to be incredibly satisfied with this amazing offer. Those users don't even exist, much like this "free internet" invite-only deal. Don't fall for it, or you'll get more than you bargained for - and not in a good way.


Surprise! Malware


After sharing the message with at least 13 people or five groups, users who have fallen victim to this sham end up on various sites where a number of malicious actions can wreak havoc.


According to WeLiveSecurity, such actions range from subscriptions to premium and expensive SMS services to installing third-party apps on the device, of course aiming to generate some money for the scammer on the victims' expense.


Victims will see various offers, but they obviously will not get any "free internet." The only way to use WhatsApp to communicate with people is to have an active internet connection, be it cellular data or Wi-Fi, and the scam does absolutely nothing to change this reality.


At best, victims waste their time and end up disappointed that the magical chain message didn't work. At worst, they end up with malicious software on their phones.


How To Avoid Such Scams


First of all, keep in mind that any message that shows up out of the blue, poorly written and making seemingly attractive promises are most likely fake, part of a scam. Raising awareness regarding these scams plays a crucial role in limiting their damage and slowing their spread rate.



If you've received this "free internet" offer or some other dubious message that looks like a scam, warn the sender and your friends so that they're aware it's a scam. Moreover, reporting the fraud is also important and it's not that big of a hassle - just flag it in your browser as you'd normally report any phishing campaign.

Wednesday, January 11th 2017
kachiwaze wrote a journal entry about make sure to have regular car maintenance By Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group Review on January 11th 2017
family owned garage group review, car servicing, tyre and auto servicing review, reserve tyres online,Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group Review: Make sure to have regular car maintenance

Maintaining the good condition of a car needs regular maintenance and necessary repair. Ensuring the safety of everyone concerned should also be the main concern of every driver. People should always keep the safety standards of their own cars as well as maintaining their perfect running condition to have a peaceful drive.


What comes first before learning how to move a car forward or backward? The answer is how to brake properly. For Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group, this symbolizes the importance of safety. The company understands the significance of safety in driving a car, so they only provide quality service to their customers to make sure that they would be danger-free inside their own car.


Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group is a family-operated company that has an excellent record in trading car parts and accessories. They offer car servicing, tyres, brake checks, MOT’s, and free seasonal tune-ups and check-ups.


Moreover, the company provides online transactions, which can deliver fast tyre quotation to their customers, making fitting faster. Tyre&Auto can also provide local collect and delivery of a car wherein you can be sure of its car maintenance or repair.


An MOT test is also possible with Tyre&Auto, and included in this examination is checking the safety of your car and the amount of exhaust emission. And in order to guide you in your yearly MOT certificate requirement, the company provides you with regular reminders such as when is the due of your test. This way, Tyre&Auto could be certain that you will renew your road tax and car insurance in time.


Each of us has our own destinations every day, and the introduction of cars made it easier for us to reach them. Owning a car can provide you with few advantages, so it’s apparent that you should take care of it properly. Such advantages include ease, mobility, personal comfort, and emotional or psychological benefits.


With 10 years of trusted service, Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group continues to deliver honest automobile services to their customers, and they always make sure to deliver top-notch maintenance and repair.

Wednesday, January 4th 2017
kachiwaze wrote a journal entry about cyber Security: Combat fraud with analytics on January 4th 2017

The exponential surge in online fraud and cybercrime saw almost 6 million offences committed last year, meaning around one in 10 adults in the UK were victims


According to the latest findings from the Crime Survey for England and Wales, fraud has now become the most prevalent crime in the country with people 10 times more likely to become a fraud victim than they are to suffer a theft.


What is clear is that fraud is an insidious problem that challenges all businesses in the UK and around the globe.


For far too long, fraud has been viewed as a victimless crime. On the contrary, it is continually being used by criminals for monetary gain.


It is also used to fund a wide spectrum of illegal activities including drug dealing, human trafficking and even the funding of terrorism. Very often, the victims are oblivious to the risks of transacting online and are amongst more vulnerable members of society.


An evolving threat


Fraud has evolved from simple and opportunistic modus operandi to more complex scenarios.


Fraudsters are becoming increasingly sophisticated, making use of techniques ranging from social engineering such as phishing or vishing to cyber-enabled malware attacks.


They also often hide within complex networks where they employ ‘mules’ to do their bidding.


Those networks are often hard to detect as they combine fraudulent activity with legitimate and compliant transactions.


Also contributing to the rising velocity of fraud is the proliferation of online services and the anonymity those digital channels provide to consumers.


For example, when making insurance claims it’s easy to inflate the value of a damaged or stolen item or to add a few additional items to the claim, therefore resulting in what’s often referred to as ‘soft fraud’.


Adopt a constant state of readiness


Organisations must be in a constant state of readiness and need a multi-layered and pragmatic strategy to curb this threat.


It is critical that organisations adopt a holistic approach that encompasses data management, fraud detection, as well as robust policies and strict internal governance to ensure that their exposure to fraud is brought down to a minimum.


The ability to analyse high volumes of data quickly, in real time, is becoming more and more a ‘business critical’ requirement. Organisations must start with enhancing their data quality, as well as collating and linking different data types coming into the organisation.


The use of data analytics is often understated but could yield significant value for organisations wishing to adopt a superior approach to monitoring and detection.


Better fraud detection tools, better business


For businesses, fraud introduces additional costs that impinge on growth, performance and productivity. On a wider scale, it undermines sustained economic progress and the operation of free markets.


The onus is therefore on individuals and businesses alike to deter and report instances of fraud.


According to SAS research with the Centre for Economic and Business Research, efficiencies from better fraud detection tools could total £290m from 2015 to 2020. Such tools include advanced analytics which will enable businesses to intervene and prevent fraud before it happens.


Lastly but crucially, people at the head of organisations should lead by example and nurture a culture of zero tolerance towards fraud and other forms of financial crime within their organisation.


There should not only be policies but enforcement of those policies in the way that day-to-day business is conducted, both internally and with external parties.


With increased government focus and regulatory scrutiny on financial crime, businesses found cutting corners will be exposed and be subject to potential fines.



For small to medium organisations, the associated reputational damage may undermine their very ability to exist in the future. Find out what it takes to develop effective fraud management to help identify suspicious transactions and networks before the money leaves your premises.

Tuesday, January 3rd 2017
kachiwaze wrote a journal entry about gAC Group Singapore R&D International Consulting: Innovation News on January 3rd 2017

Below, you will find out about opportunities to improve your savings and results and receive a few of our tips to finance your innovation.


We wish you a pleasant reading!




Optimize your PIC claims!


Did you know that companies can combine for YA 2013 to YA 2015 the yearly cap for each qualifying activity at S$ 400k? Companies are allowed to claim up to S$ 1,2M of eligible expenses for each qualifying activity by combining the three Years of Assessment. For example, if you haven’t claimed R&D costs in YA 2013 and YA 2014, you can claim up to S$ 1,2M of R&D costs in YA 2015. Do not miss this opportunity to optimize your savings!


PIC Bonus: get it while you can


The PIC Bonus is a S$ 15,000 dollar-for-dollar matching cash bonus on top of the PIC cash payout and the enhanced tax deduction available for YA 2013 to 2015. The PIC scheme will remain active at least until 2018. It is still time to get the PIC Bonus by optimizing your PIC Claims for YA 2015.




Innovation Capability Voucher (ICV)


ICV is a public financing tool for local SMEs helping them to purchase integrated IT solutions and to get access to consultancy services for innovation, productivity, HR and finance management. Local businesses can get up to S$ 40,000 with 8 different vouchers.


iSprint Funding for Intermediate Packaged Solutions


This funding program initiated by IDA for local SMEs reimburses up to 70% of the buying cost of numerous pre-approved packaged solutions up to S$ 20,000 as well as consultancy and training costs related to packaged solutions such as SaaS, PoS, Accounting Management Systems, etc.




Assistance to IRAS technical queries


More and more companies have seen their claims rejected or challenged by IRAS. It requires a specific expertise to claim technical staff salaries and outsourced R&D projects under the PIC scheme. We were expecting an increase of the controls, as it happened in other countries, with similar schemes. Make sure to secure your R&D tax credits by following all regulations and expectations from IRAS to avoid troubles and delays in the process.


R&D Tax Credits


From IRAS perspective, R&D includes the notion of innovation whereas it is excluded in OECD definition. Several countries use the OECD R&D definition for R&D tax credits, such as France, England or Canada. In Singapore, the definition of R&D is broader and therefore, the notion of eligible R&D activity of the PIC is larger than scientific research and is not limited to lab work and PhDs teams. Our consultants are R&D experts with either a MSc or a PhD who successfully claimed R&D projects in different fields such as Software Development, SaaS, Energy, E-commerce, Microsystem, Healthcare, Water, Big Data, Web technologies, etc.




Singapore is becoming a global IP hub


The government has been implementing effective tax measures to encourage the anchoring of intellectual property in Singapore for the past few years. By helping companies finance acquisition and registration of Intellectual Property Rights through the PIC scheme, among other initiatives, the objective of the Government is to help Singapore become a global IP hub in Asia.


Top 20 Hottest Startups



Released in the Singapore Business Review, the Singapore's Hottest Startups 2015 awards the most innovative startups in the country. Five of our clients are ranked in this top 20! This shows the strong links between GAC and the technology-oriented startups ecosystem of Singapore. We help innovative companies finance their technical projects by claiming the salaries of their technical teams through the PIC scheme.

Wednesday, November 23rd 2016
kachiwaze wrote a journal entry about cRIB Advisors Mentors Singapore: Crib Society on November 23rd 2016

CRIB SOCIETY is the platform to build networks, inspire and be inspired by fellow entrepreneurs.


We are a community of women and entrepreneurs who support and inspire one another through networking forums and lifestyle events.


We welcome all to join our mission of creating women entrepreneurs, especially existing and aspiring women entrepreneurs.



With thoughtfully curated partnerships and events organized throughout the year, from dialogues with fellow entrepreneurs to forums with prominent and successful industry mentors and venture capitalists, from merchandising opportunities to fundraisers, CRIB Society members have plenty of opportunity to get connected with inspiring personalities, showcase their businesses, and to give back to society.

Wednesday, November 2nd 2016
kachiwaze wrote a journal entry about new Mothers' Support Group: Socials @ Power Kids Gym on November 2nd 2016
new mothers support group singapore

We have arranged a regular monthly social at Power Kids Gym (formerly JWT) UE Square. This is a soft play gym with a sprung floor and lots of soft play equipment, ideal for all ages.


You can register your interest in attending this event via the NMSG Meetup Group


•Please note that the maximum number of children is 30 and the cost is $5 per child.

•Socks or bare feet only please.

•There will be no Paediatrician attending this event.

•Please note, due to the popularity of this venue, we have started a first come / first served system as there is a limit to the number of children/adults permitted in Power Kids Gym at any one time.

•Meet-up registration does not guarantee you a place at our regular socials.

•Power Kids Gym is kindly offering our members the following promotion:

•1x Free Trial Class (worth $42)

•1x Membership Fee Waived (worth $60)

•Kid’s Night Out at $49 only! (Usual Price $79). Kids’ Night out is our 4 hour Drop your kids off party, filled with some high energy activities, where they will navigate through obstacle courses, create fabulous crafts, have a pizza and go wild with our trainers. Parents enjoy the night out without the kids.



3pm - 4.30pm on the following dates in 2016

8 November

13 December



Power Kids Gym

81 Clemenceau Avenue

UE Square, #02-12

Singapore 239917



Pip Johnson

Wednesday, October 19th 2016
kachiwaze wrote a journal entry about japan Company Trust Organization: Online Fraud on October 19th 2016

Whilst the vast majority of websites in Japan are of genuine business companies, but it is also a sad fact that online scams and fraud are alive, well and are very big business in Japan and rest of the world. It is very important to be smart and stay safe by exercising all due precaution and do not become a fraud victim.


One of the most troubling concerns of today's economy is the possibility of internet fraud. If you plan to buy a car, machinery, instrument, electronic, or anything from an exporter in Japan, it is strongly recommended for your own safety to verify any Japanese website or company's status under the "Japan Company Trust Organization". The most important thing before sending the money is to verify reality of a company, as online frauds and scams are increasing rapidly.


Since Japanese companies are respected for honesty, fraudsters take advantage of good reputation of Japanese enterprises. Many criminals in Japan has launched fake websites by showing them as legitimate business to gain victim’s trust and pretending to be real business. When somebody sends them money, they simply disappear. The internet fraud is damaging business of real Japanese companies. Since Japanese law is very strict against the fraud, this Organization reports all fraud attempts to the Japanese police department.


Online frauds take different forms to direct consumers to a fraudulent website that looks legitimate. Such websites claim their credibility and honesty and then commit a fraud. Those websites are designed by the professionals and even a very careful person can be a victim. Always remember if you are a professional business person, impostors are fraud specialists. They have such high tech that sometimes you will never realize them. A fraud website can appear legitimate, but you can verify on JCTO database, which will help you avoid being deceived.


For your own protection, the Japan Company Trust Organization warns you to reconfirm a website or company's reality at our database before any purchase. Just by typing company’s name in JCTO’s search box and you will find reality of that company. The Japan Company Trust Organization is an anti-fraud organization in Japan, fighting against the online-fraud.



This Organization has a close connection with Japanese police, and all fraud-attempts are immediately reported to Japanese Police Department.  Before registration, JCTO verify the company’s profile including registration, license, and physical address. Japan Company Trust Organization warns you NOT to remit money to any so-called Japanese company without verification and your full satisfaction.

Friday, October 14th 2016
kachiwaze wrote a journal entry about hawkfield Consultants Review: The Role of Art Gallery on October 14th 2016

Art gallery, without a doubt, plays an important role in the art industry. Many people do not possess in-depth knowledge on the role of art galleries in our society. Here is an overview of what an art gallery is and its importance in our society.


Art gallery offers a striking place where visitors can view and appreciate art. Various forms of visual arts are displayed such as paintings, sculptures, relics, pottery, jewelries with historical values and much more. Art galleries display art works to promote art and artists as well as to help and guide buyers in selecting art works that will suit their art preferences. A certain type of art gallery like Hawkfield Gallery offers a special type of service to their clients – to help them hunt art works that interest them and even help them bid at auction houses.


For those who are curious on the value of the artworks they possess, Hawkfield Gallery and its fine art consultants provides professional advice on how to appraise fine artworks, antiques and collectible items. Hawkfield Gallery gained experience and expertise in determining the value and quality of artworks by visiting auctions houses and antique shops. They use a sales comparison approach to value an artwork - comparing it to similar artworks recently sold or currently for sale on the marketplace. They also welcome artists to present their artworks and to help them determine its fair market value. Visit the gallery’s website to know more about their services and the list of artists they represent.


Art Consignment Agreement



Most art galleries work with artists on a consignment basis. Consignment is when you lend your artwork on the gallery and the gallery agrees to sell your artwork for a commission percentage. In some cases, engaging in a consignment agreement comes with a lot of risks as it may cause financial or ownership trouble down the road. Make sure to choose the right and trusted gallery that will represent your artwork. Hawkfield Gallery has gained an established reputation in the marketplace that will make you want to trust the gallery and its owner.

Wednesday, October 12th 2016
kachiwaze wrote a journal entry about hawkfield Gallery Fine Arts Consultants: America’s Traditional Artworks on October 12th 2016

With the rise of technology, an entirely new art forms are evolving. Music is a form of art that is prone to piracy due to the nature of modern digital technology. However, traditional artworks such as paintings and sculptures are one thing that cannot be easily forged by some. To ensure that you get the original work of an artist, you will need a trusted art collector or a fine arts specialist to help and guide you. Hawkfield Gallery might be able to assist you.


Hawkfield Gallery specializes in 20th and 21st century American fine art and folk art. Their interest spans from American impressionism, decorative songbirds, shore-bird decoys and wildlife bronze sculptures.


The owner of Hawkfield Consultants Gallery is Sally Caverly who has an impressive passion in collecting arts for more than 25 years. She got her start on Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and later on holds a Master’s degree in Education. She also became a Market Research Division Director of a major publishing house. Their gallery is located along Boston’s South Shore, midway between Cape Cod and Boston.



Hawkfield Gallery’s website is an exclusive space where you can find an actual collection of artworks from various painters and sculptures. Art experts of Hawkfield are always available to guide and advise their clients. Visit their website and take a look at their impressive list of artworks came from various talented artist.

Friday, April 29th 2016
kachiwaze wrote a journal entry about holiday Booking Scams to Avoid by Bacall Associates on April 29th 2016

Six Holiday Booking Scams to Avoid


Don't get ripped off by fake airline tickets, timeshare schemes or travel scams with our guide to six cons that target people booking holidays.


The first few months of the year are some of the busiest times for holiday bookings, as those fed up with the cold, wet weather think about escaping to sunnier climes.


But if you are about to book a holiday, you need to be on your guard, as fraudsters are ready to pounce on those distracted by the excitement of organizing a trip to a dream destination.


Here we look at six of the common scams, the warning signs, and the steps you can take to protect yourself.


1. Dodgy accommodation websites


When booking a holiday, you need to keep your wits about your to avoid getting duped by a fake travel website.


A common crime sees fraudsters hacking into the accounts of well-known accommodation sites, or redirecting people to bogus imitations.


If you do book through one of these so-called “clone” websites, you could end up handing over money for a villa or apartment that simply doesn’t exist.


Always check the authenticity of travel providers before booking a holiday and a do a thorough online search to check the firm’s credentials.


If the company has been defrauding people – or has a bad reputation – it’s likely that consumers will have posted warnings about it.


Also look to see if the holiday provider is a member of a recognized trade body, such as Abta or Atol.


But watch out for “fuzzy” logos for trade associations – as well as for credit card companies – as this could be a warning sign that the site is not genuine. Be sure to do your research before parting with any cash.


2. Fake airline tickets


You need to check – and check again – that the plane tickets you are buying are genuine. If not, you could end up parting with cash for a fake ticket, or a ticket that never arrives. Flights to West Africa are particularly prone.


If the flight prices you are looking at are considerably cheaper than competitors, proceed with caution, as this could be a scam.


You should also be wary if you are offered a discount for paying the whole bill upfront. Most legitimate bookings will require you to pay a deposit, and then the remaining balance a month or so before the trip.


The key is to go with your gut instinct: if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Do all you can to ensure you are buying from a trusted and reputable source. Also bear in mind that buying direct from an airline will often work out cheaper.


3. Watch out for fraudsters targeting big sporting events and caravan stays


It’s also worth noting that big sporting events are often targeted by conmen, with sports fans ending up out of pocket on hotels and tickets for events such as the recent World cup in Brazil.


In addition, criminals will often target caravan stays, and will post fake promotions for accommodation on Facebook, as well as advertising websites, Craigslist and Gumtree.


4. Take care before posting holiday details on Facebook


Think carefully before posting any information about your forthcoming trip on a social-networking site, such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, as you could end up essentially advertising the fact you are going to be away.


Fraudsters will trawl sites such as these in search of details about people’s holiday plans, and could then target your empty property while you are away, safe in the knowledge that you are not at home.


If you do want to share details of your travels, be selective about the information you post, and avoid discussing holiday plans on sites which are accessible to the public.


5. Watch out for copycat websites


If you need to apply for a new passport for your holiday, take care not to get caught out by a copycat website. These sites offer access to online Government services, but often charge a premium for a public service which is either free – or much cheaper – when accessed via the official site.


To avoid getting duped, go directly to the site.


Also exercise caution when applying for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) – the card which entitles you to state-provided healthcare either at a reduced cost, or for free.


A host of unofficial sites will offer to help you through the application process – often for a fee of up to £25.


But there is no need to part with any cash, as you can apply for a card for free at


6. Fraudulent resort presentations


Once you’re on holiday, keep your wits about you if you get invited to a so-called “holiday club” presentation in the resort in which you’re staying.


You may be persuaded into attending by the lure of a “free” holiday.


But if you’re not careful, you could get duped into buying a timeshare – and if you pay by bank transfer or cash, there is often no means of getting your money back.


Reporting fraud


If you do suffer the misfortune of falling victim to fraud, you should register your concerns at Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.



Monday, August 24th 2015
kachiwaze wrote a journal entry about mEIR EZRA: As The World Knows Him on August 24th 2015

“I believe life is what I make it to be, always has been and always will be” – the words of Meir Ezra, founder and Chief Executive Officer of Securant Inc. clearly establish the persona of one who has built and now running 24 companies that operate in 27 countries around the globe.


Dreams Unlimited:


Business Partner Tony Robbins describes Mr. Meir Ezra as a man who loves to dream and do things that have never been attempted before. Known for his ‘go get it’ attitude, the CEO of Securant Inc. has years of experience as an entrepreneur and multiple patents registered to his name.  The creative genius that he is, Meir Ezra is the creator of Time Maker  Leadership Software, described as the most advanced management software in the market.


The Business Tycoon:


Owner of several businesses, Meir Ezra has established companies around the world – India, Columbia, Russia, Italy and Israel to name a few. He established a company that dealt with the distribution of gasoline management systems in the US. Needless to say the company had an amazing turnover of $100,000,000 within its first three years. He has also developed a technology that deals with cellphone blocking, another such development is a payment-by cellphone technology and software solutions for the hotel industry. He is also credited with the introduction of a special study technology at schools in Israel.


The Lighter Side:


Meir Ezra (Contacts) is known to be a family man and is devoted to his wife of 25 years. Together they have three children. As the saying goes, ‘All work and no play make Jack a dull boy’, apart from developing technology, Meir Ezra enjoys karate, motorcycling and kite surfing. He was a high ranking submarine diver in the Navy where he completed advanced courses in electronic countermeasure technology.


The Social Being:


Meir Ezra takes out time to actively participate in community affairs and is known to have supported many charitable causes. One such endeavor was the implementation of drug and prison rehabilitation programs. He has been involved in many community projects and has donated millions of dollars for the same. Read this Article

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