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jamesmustain wrote a journal entry about what is a good vacuum cleaner?

For most households, the main function of a vacuum is to help keep the house clean, which makes it indispensable to our modern life. Because of that, there are many vacuum brands on the market that offer different types for consumers. From famous and expensive, to lesser well known and at a cheaper price. Among hundreds of choices, do you know which would be the most suitable for you? Let’s check out what is a good vacuum cleaner.


1. Different vacuum types


Based on the function and effectiveness of vacuum cleaners, we can divide them into 3 kinds: handheld, industrial, and household purpose.


  • Handheld vacuum cleaner: This type is becoming more and more prevalent thanks to its convenience to users. Firstly, it is small and light so you can easily bring it anywhere. Because of its compactness, you can use it in tight and narrow areas like under the table and sofas, hidden corners, cupboards and car’s interior where a conventional vacuum cannot reach.
  • Industrial vacuum cleaner: This type has more powerful suction and hence, it is able to clean large areas in a short time. It is highly efficient but this type of vacuum is big and bulky in size and quite expensive, so it is mostly used in large workshops and factories. If you intend to buy one for your house, it would be better to consider a household vacuum.
  • Household vacuum cleaner: is a perfect combination of the above two types – compact yet in strong power. It can clean every corner of your house. It works best at houses, classrooms and small-to-medium workshops.


2. What makes a good vacuum cleaner


Cleaning performance: Ability to completely clean surfaces (floors, carpet, upholstery, draperies) pet hair removal, cleaning corners and along edges, dust filtration and even cleaning glass surfaces.


Optimized features:


+ High suction capacity yet low electrical power usage: Suction capacity shows the efficiency of a vacuum cleaner, while electrical power usage is an indication of power consumption. When choosing a vacuum, you should pay attention to the machine’s capacity, preferably choosing one of above 1600W and a suction power (if published by manufacturers) of above 400W.


+ Dustbag level indicator light: When using a vacuum cleaner frequently, dust accumulates inside the dust bag, so the bag needs to be cleaned or replaced over time. Many machines come with a dustbag level indicator light to show when the dust bag is full.

+ Weight and noise level: Both details are shown on a technical datasheet or on the body of a vacuum cleaner. A heavy machine is inconvenient when moving around your house,, so a 5-6kg vacuum is perfect. Besides, noise level should be a concern so that it does not disrupt your family’s activities when the vacuum is working. Noise fluctuation of a typical vacuum cleaner should be between 40-60 Decibels.


3. How to properly maintain the vacuum cleaner


+ Use the right suction ports and nozzles for different surfaces


+ Remove all dirt and dust after use


+ Clean and replace the dirtbags, filters, and vent covers regularly


+ Do not operate the machine with other electric device at the same time in the same place


+ Store the machine in an empty cabinet or a dry and flat corner of the house, keep it away from moisture and avoid heavy objects on it.


In conclusion, a vacuum cleaner is an indispensable device for every house. There are many vacuum brands and Best Vacuum Cleaners Reviews on the market, you can choose the best matched one depending on your needs. And we hope with the article, you have a clearer view of what is a good vacuum for your decision.




Find More Info:


How to Understand Vacuum Cleaners Specifications


Review for Miele Complete C3 Marin


What Are The Criteria Used To Choose A Suitable Vacuum Cleaner For Your Home


Why Not Buy A Good Vacuum Cleaner At A Fair Price


The Top 3 Simplest yet Most Effective Tricks for How to Keep a Clean House Revealed

Monday, February 8th 2021
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