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Tuesday, September 29th 2020
Philip Reeves wrote a journal entry about tree Selection In Edinburgh, Can A Tree Surgeon/Arborist Help?
Choose Trees for your property.

Choosing the right trees and foliage for your property is going to ensure that your building / accommodation is surrounded by the most beautiful shrubbery. According to many local Edinburgh tree surgeons, it will require minimal maintenance and care if you have chosen the right soil and appropriate plants / trees.


Tree Selection Will Be The First Step

Several factors determine this choice. You will have to pick a tree that adds the following aspects to your property:


·        The right size of the tree that does not hide your building / property completely

·        The degree of privacy that you want from the trees and plants that surround your home / office building

·        The intensity and expanse of shade that you wish to extract from the foliage around your property

·        The colour of the foliage / plants that you think will suit the aesthetics of your building / home the most

·        Fruiting is also an aspect that is going to add a unique value to your foliage and property


The Right Arborist In Edinburgh Is Also Going To Ask You The Following Questions

·        What kind of angles and shape are you looking for in a tree that you want to be planted on your property?

·        Are there any dead or dormant branches on the tree that you have chosen?

·        What will be the location of the tree?


Location Of The Tree

The Most Critical Aspect Of Plantation On Your Property

You should always consider growing space both above and below the ground before you select a particular tree to plant on your property. The right space needs to be allowed to the tree as it grows to the desirable height and density. This will help you prevent some major problems such as:


·        Damage to your house

·        Cracks in your foundation

·        Leaves in your gutters

·        Abrasion caused by tree limbs to nearby structures

·        Cracks in the pavement of sidewalks

·        Damage to your driveways and patios

·        Obstruction in your sewer lines

·        Septic tanks getting clogged by dead and damaged roots

·        Obscured traffic signs that might be located close to your property

·        Danger to nearby pedestrians and / or vehicles

·        Storm damage

·        Potential electrical problems from overgrown limbs of the tree

·        Blockage of scenic views from your window


Seasonal Growth And Vegetation


How Important Is This Aspect?


What happens in your backyard or probably in your front lawn during the spring season could be drastically different from what it becomes during fall or winter. Arborists and tree surgeon services in Edinburgh advise you to think seasonally when you are about to select plants / trees for your property. Consider whether the tree you are looking for should be deciduous or evergreen. For example, if you want some autumn colours in your front lawn or backyard, going for a tree that sheds its leaves periodically will be a good option.

Other than this, it will also make way for sunlight during the winter season. Depending upon the season that spans the larger part of the year, you will have to pick the right plants and trees. Also, if you want more shade in your backyard, pick an evergreen tree that is dense and thick. You will also have to look out for the right planting technique and the most appropriate soil composition with which only a professional can help you out.

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