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Wednesday, December 11th 2019
Byron Kinkade wrote a journal entry about education at 22:47

Some Tips on Dealing with Stress in College


College can be extremely stressful and draining. If you aren’t careful, this stress can lead you to suffer in various aspects of your life.  You can get more info about on the topic below:


For college students, the middle of September signifies the fact that the fall semester is well under way. This time of year can also signify an escalated level of stress in college student’s lives. It’s important to be a little bit stressed – it will ensure that you stay on top of your hefty work load. But when stress starts taking a major toll on your psyche, it’s time to reevaluate.


Because stress is unavoidable, you have to equip yourself with the right strategies on how to handle it effectively and proactively.


Top tips on avoiding stress in college

We goes on to give some of its top tips for being less stressed in college:


Remember to sleep – If you’re not getting sufficient amounts of sleep, it will always have an adverse effect on your life.


Don’t spread yourself too thin – While it’s definitely important to make the most of your college career, you need to remember to pick and choose the way you spend your time carefully.


Maintain a healthy diet – Every college student is aware of the dreaded freshman 15. Don’t let yourself become part of this statistic! It won’t always be possible to eat healthy, but try to do so whenever possible.


A healthy diet will help you deal with stress proactively. Keep in mind that there is a connection between stress and being overweight.


Cut down on partying and increase exercise


We also stresses that partying late can make it difficult to get enough R&R, so try to party less and exercise more:


Party in moderation – While in college, it’s not hard to find people that want to drink and party every night of the week. This does not mean you should do so! It’s important to have fun and be social, but like everything else in life, do it in moderation.


Try to exercise – When you’re tired and stressed out, getting exercise might be the absolute last thing you feel like doing. But even just fifteen or twenty minutes of exercise can do wonders for your energy levels.


A healthy lifestyle will do wonders for your physical, mental, and emotional health. Exercise releases certain hormones that help keep stress hormones at bay.


Little things you can do on a daily basis


Ubscure gives us some tips that we can use in our everyday college lives to lessen stress:


1. Build lunches the night before to free up the morning minutes.

2. Decide out the clothing they will wear the night before.

3. Build certain the backpack, books and alternative things for school are prepared to go the night before.

4. Use music as a fun and helpful timing device.

5. Give yourself Rewards.


Always remember to reward yourself every now and then for your hard work. Otherwise, college will seem like a mean old vampire looking to suck your life dry of energy and enthusiasm.

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