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Thursday, October 20th 2016
kadiennejamison wrote a journal entry about anti-Fraud Organization Tokyo: Fraud Complaints

The Japan Company Trust Organization (JCTO) is receiving countless fraud complaints from all over the world, seeking JCTO's help to recover money. The combined investigation held by Japan Company Trust Organization (JCTO) and other agencies for various fraud cases shows following results:

Regardless of nationality, the fraudsters are busy 24 hours 365 days a year to find target for fraud.

* The majority of foreign community in Japan are honest. But few criminal foreigners residing in Japan are involved in frauds.

* The fraudster foreigners residing in Japan are sometime using Japanese names to hide their actual nationality.

* Japanese nationals are also involved in committing fraud.

* Japanese nationals commit fraud with foreigners and sometime alone.

* The fraudsters make impressive website and use bogus address to gain victim's trust.

* The fraudsters use free Email accounts like, Gmail, Yahoo, and Hotmail etc.

* In many cases, the fake website is controlled from the overseas country, pictures and data of product is copy from other website, and the fraudster are not in Japan to avoid possible arrest, but they are using Japanese Bank account.

* Fraudters are using cell phones for easily runaway after comitting the fraud.

* The cell phone numbers start like +81 90 or +81 80 or +81 70 etc. (first two digits "81" is the country code for Japan).

* In many cases, fraudsters use Japanese phone number, but the call is forwarded to other countries.

Below are some actual fraud complaints this Organization received daily from all over the world. The fraudster's name and address is omitted for legal reason.


hi,i am a victim of fraud by a Mr.*** who runs a company called *** Ltd.. i have transfered to the companies account on various occassions a total of 16300usd.(the bank slips which i can provide copies) he has beeen lying to me all this time and can provide all necessary evidence to support my claim. kindly please get back to me for i need your assistance because i have been charged here in the Kenyan courts for criminal charges and my property has been auctioned because of this guy. i have had the worst time in my life because of one Mr.*** and i need him to face justice and my money repaid. i also came to learn that he operates another company known as *** Ltd. with the same address though the websites are shut down for some time now.i.e *** . com and 2nd website *** . net the address is, *** ltd. *** Japan. there are various numbers he uses but his mobile number is +81*** *** ***. please assist me. ps:am from kenya and willing to provide more details.

TTW (Kenya)


Hello,Thank you very much for your response. Unfortunately I already lost my money. The company was fraudulent.

I realise there is little you can do to stop fraudulent websites that are not even in Japan or pretending to be good people, but maybe you can consider a legal requirement in japan that any bank account holder who receives money in a fraudulent transaction be guilty of assisting in fraud.

This may help protect the Japanese Used Car market. While it is a big market and people will always buy cars, imagine the amount of revenue your members miss out when someone like me who had only enough money to buy one car is cheated, and as a result, I will not be buying a car anymore because I have no more money. That money could have benefited a genuine Japan Used Car seller. It is revenue lost for the good people of Japan.

If such a law was there, it would make people fearful to open a bank account for fraudulent purposes.

It is just a suggestion. But I appreciate you writing to me.

Best Regards.

WN (Kenya)


Dear Sir,Last year in October we were defrauded by Mr.*** of *** company. We reported the case to interpol but nothing has come out of it. Please could you assist us to find him so we can recover our money. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. His website has since been shut down www.*** . com phone number +81 *** *** ***, cellphone 81 *** *** ***, address *** *** ***, Japan.

CSM (Zimbabwe)


Dear JCTO,I opened an acount at ***.com in Japan and sent 4 items, teddy bears worth USD 3,000, to be sold. The tracking number shows the items were received early in march but the company has not posted them. I emailed them over 10 times and have had no response. I believe they have stolen from me and I want my items back or financial compensation for their theft. I keep trying to get them to respond but they arent responding. I dont know what to do.



I purchased a heavy machinery from a so-called Japanese company name *** Co., Ltd. The deal was buying used Dozer with 22000 US$ CIF Aden - Yemen. I Transfered the amount by TT on 26-2-2011 Attached the invoice and Bank transfering documents. Untill now they did not ship our payback my money. They even ignore my massage tellphone calls and faxes etc.. although they still email me offers unill now. I need help to get back my money or how to mak ligal claim against them.

Awaiting for your kind soonest reply.

With Thanks & Best Regards

MAD (Yemen)


Dear Madam/sir, I purchased a car on 17.dec.2012 from company called *** ltd. address: *** japan. tel:+*** *** *** contact person Mr. *** and Mr.*** the manager Email: ******.jp They promised to deliver the car but failed when contacted them they promised to refund the money and asked me to send the the bank details which i did last week but up to know they haven't send the money please ineed your asistance in this.


JMS (Uganda)


Hello, i am writing to you from Nairobi, Kenya. I was given your organization name by the Japanese embassy here in my country. I am a victim of fraud by a Japanese vehicle dealer to the tune of $26,000. this was in various dates between July 2009 and January 2010. This dealer refused to ship me the cars or refund my money. This dealer and his wife who are both directors of their company called *** Co., Ltd. The dealer's name is Mr. *** and his wife's name who is also a director is Mrs. ***. This dealer has never gone into hiding and calls me everyday promising to pay me back but it has now been almost five years. I have discovered that he has been able to fraud from another gentleman from the United States an amount of $24,000. You have stated that you are able to liase with the Japan police to deal with such a person. I would also like you to help me recover all my money which i will greatly appreciate. I have receipts of payments to this dealer and email correspondence with him proving that he has my money. i have reported this to the Japan embassy in my country and they gave me your contacts. My country's embassy in your country is also aware of this situation. What i require from you is the Japanese police to get involved in this matter and arrest this dealer so that he pays me back my money. Any help or assistance received from you will be appreciated because i am really suffering and this dealer has even started insulting me calling me a stupid african and telling me i can do nothing to him. Please help me. Company details are as follows, *** Co Ltd, Address is *** Japan. Tel which he uses is +81*** *** ***. His current email is *** . com which he uses to communicate with me. Please help me get this thief and help in getting my money back.

Thank you very much and I appreciate your organization's help to fraud victims.

AKG (Kenya)


Respected Sir, i have been swindled about $97,000 by the Sales Director of *** Co. Ltd by the name of Mr.***. we have been communicating very well and after making the payments of all the vehicles we bought from him, he has stopped calling and answering my calls and he has not sent me the Bill of Lading as as a proof that the Vehicles has been shipped like he said. below are his contact details and his bank. please help, am not making up stories and i have been phoning the zambian embassy in japan, spoke to Mr. ***  Mr ***.


BANK: *** Bank Ltd.

BRANCH: *** Branch


BANK PHONE NO: *** *** ***

ACCOUNT NO :**********

their address:

*** CO. LTD

*** *** ***,JAPAN

PHONE NO. +81-*** *** ***

MOBILE: +81-*** *** ***



KKC (Zambia)



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